Pilot For All in the Family – IOTW Report

Pilot For All in the Family

The pilot for All in the Family has a different Meathead (and Gloria.)

One of the bigger laughs is when Meathead (Dickie) says Archie doesn’t care about blacks and Mexicans and is scared to give them an even shot at the American dream.

Archie says that minorities have a greater advantage than he had because millions of people didn’t march for him in order for him to get his job.

Edith says, “yeah, you’re uncle got it for you.”

Huge laughter.

But someone has to point out that Rob Reiner, the uber-leftist, replaced the original actor because of the strings his father pulled for him.

But nepotism is okay for he, not for thee.

I discovered this clip on Rob Reiner’s insufferably leftist Twitter feed. (Thank You –> )

Reiner is very, very stupid in “real life.” He’s like any other dope you overhear ranting at some party.

Here’s a sample-

Been waiting for Cohen in Prague to become public. Once we find out what he was doing there, this will be game, set, and match for Trump. Now’s the time.

This tweet is only 3 days old. This moron thinks Cohen went to Prague.

What a Meathead.




17 Comments on Pilot For All in the Family

  1. Lionel changed and the Meathead, Richard became Mike, used to be Irish. Edith, I think, became even more subservient in the series.

    And telling truths, Reiner was a better actor…as was the new Gloria and Lionel.

    @ .45-70 – One of the writers if not Lear himself must have picked up on the Dick / Meat head alliteration and had to change it.

  2. You know folks all this talk about black slaves and downtrodden blacks irritates me. I’ve lived with it. I know the history. It was a terrible time for blacks in American history. But it was American white men who ended slavery. Slavery still exists in the world today, but not in America.
    How come nobody talks about “indentured servants” Irishmen sent away to plantation owners to serve seven years of their lives to work off their “Crimes” against the crown?.
    They were treated horribly by the owners as their time to freedom came close, because the plantation owner knew they would be free; whereas the black slaves were cared for because they would remain slaves and needed to be well fed and cared for.
    This all in the Family shit just pisses me off
    The slaves were treated better than the Irish indentured servants

  3. It doesn’t matter if Reiner was better than “Dickie.”
    There were hundreds of actors better than Dickie.

    It was Reiner who landed the role, even when they made a joke about the “white man’s nepotism” as a sin.

    The show couldn’t smell their own bad breath.

  4. So I post something I observe about a comment Archie made at about 13:50 did not go over so well? BUT the vid is posted, to begin with??

    What gives?

    Archie too sensitive for ya’s?

    Take down the vid then.

    @ BFH – it DOES matter who is a better actor. Reiner was MORE contagious with Archie, especially in the beginning.

    What is the matter you did not like the show to begin with??

  5. Reiner and the liberal elite are holding onto straws because it came out on Friday that “…I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend…” that supposedly a record exists that Cohen’s phone pinged on a cell tower in Prague during the time he already proved he wasn’t there, and they’re hearts are all a-flutter that this will be the final straw that drags Trump down.

  6. Of course, the ONE reporter that wrote about this didn’t actually see the record himself, and admits his ‘sources’ didn’t actually see it either, but THEIR sources wouldn’t LIE, would they???

  7. Niggers and Chinks Welcome: No Irish Allowed!

    The word “slave” came from the word “Slav.”
    There is a reason we NO LONGER teach “History.”

    “He who controls the Past, controls the Future.”
    (dead White Dude)

    izlamo delenda est …


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