Pink Pistols – IOTW Report

Pink Pistols

While Dems run around trying to ban any gun they can get their paws on, and Repubs are pulling their hair out on whether to support or condemn a Trump led halt to Muslim immigration, we have the only rational solution to stopping a future act of Islamic terror against the gay community from a group calling itself Pink Pistols.

 The organization advocates for gays to arm themselves “Armed queers don’t get bashed.”


PP takes on the gun grabbing narrative from the usual leftist Here

10 Comments on Pink Pistols

  1. this might be off topic, but… and I’m sure Bad_Brad is gonna love this one.
    The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.

    This of course, will make no difference at all to the anti-gun politimedia, who don’t particularly care about factual accuracy and who likely wouldn’t be able to tell an AR-15 from a toaster oven if their lives depended on it.

  2. After this attack I feel there is a place for guns designed especially for homosexuals, ones that carry descriptors such as “extreme melt”, “extra capacity”, “larger aspect ratio”, or “no safeties”.
    I also think new names are in order, I’d suggest “The Silk Pony” as a start and range from there.

  3. I had occasion to help host a Pink Pistols training event.Funny thing, they were just like any other group I’ve helped train in the proper use of firearms. If they hadn’t been gathered under the Pink Pistols name, you’d never know they were queer. They trained in pistol, shotgun and AR-15 use. Some of them were scary good.

  4. Ricky I have a Sig M400. The MCX is a completely different rifle and hopefully better than the M400. While my M400 has gone bang ever time, it cost 2x more and is 2x flimsier than a Palmetto AR I built around the same time. The Sig’s only saving grace, putting on par with the Palmetto FN CHF barrel is it too is CHF.

  5. I don’t care about your sexual proclivity, if you chose to carry, know how to use it proficiently.

    1.All guns are always loaded.
    2.Never allow your muzzle to cover a target unless you are willing to destroy it.
    3.Never put your finger on the trigger until your sights are on the target.
    4.Be aware of your target and what is beyond.

    Be aware if your muzzle is pointed at me, my loved ones or anyone in my vicinity I will place at least two rounds in your center body mass before I further assess the threat.
    Be properly trained, practiced, proficient and responsible.

  6. @Ricky:

    This of course, will make no difference at all to the anti-gun politimedia, who don’t particularly care about factual accuracy and who likely wouldn’t be able to tell an AR-15 from a toaster oven if their lives depended on it.

    Would that be a target toaster oven, a hunting toaster oven, or an assault toaster oven? (-:

  7. @Uncel Al
    Step 1: buy a toaster oven
    Step 2: paint it with high temperature black spray paint for BBQ Grills.
    Once dry you’ll have your very own assault toaster oven..

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