Pittsburgh Mayor Doesn’t Like The President’s Idea of Increased Security – IOTW Report

Pittsburgh Mayor Doesn’t Like The President’s Idea of Increased Security


Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto hit back at President Donald Trump’s comments that officials should look to increase armed security in public places in the wake of mass attacks.

After a gunman killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning, Peduto told host Chuck Todd on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” that officials should confront “irrational” individuals in creating proactive policy.

Speaking after the attack, Trump said if the Tree of Life synagogue had “protection inside, the results would have been far better.”

A reporter later asked if Trump meant that all places of worship should have armed guards. Trump replied that it was “certainly an option” to what he said was “a world with many problems.”

Peduto rejected Trump’s prescription of ramping up armed security, saying sacred public places deserved more proactive measures of protection that would confront “irrational behavior.”

“We’re dealing with an irrational person who acted irrationally — trying to create laws around that is not the way that we should govern,” Peduto said. “We should try to stop irrational behavior from happening at the forefront. And not try to create laws around irrational behavior to continue.”

When Trump responded to questions from reporters Saturday afternoon about the attack’s potential effects on gun policy, he said gun control laws had “little to do with” the shooting.

During a Sunday morning press conference, Peduto doubled down on his comments about gun policy when asked, saying officials should look to make plans to directly control access to guns.

“We should take the guns, which are the common denominator of every mass shooting in America, out of the hands of those looking to express hatred through murder,” Peduto said.


And just who, in Peduto’s mind, are these people looking to express hatred through murder?

The left has been giving their answer to that question a lot lately.

It’s all 60 million Trump voters.


15 Comments on Pittsburgh Mayor Doesn’t Like The President’s Idea of Increased Security

  1. I’m not gonna post the prerequisite “remove his Security Detail” remark and just suggest these turds need to be confronted publicly with signs that say, “LEFTIST PABLUM, NOW REPEATED 459,437 TIMES”

  2. If you are a registered Democrat, or vote Democrat more than 50% of the time, or sympathsize with the Democrat party, you lose your guns.

    There we go – removing guns from the haters and instituting common sense gun control.

  3. Now imagine you’re a jew. Six million of your coreligionists were exterminated like, well termites in the last World War. Your ancestral homeland is besieged with jew hating maniacs that want you dead. A neighboring city was attacked by the same maniacs killing over 2,000 people, many of them jews. There is a special form of irrational hate spreading (again) all over the planet that wants you dead.

    And yet you expect to practice your faith in the absence of the instrumentality to defend against the consequences of that hate.

    Mayor NPC is just a stupid whore.

    An unarmed synagogue is madness.

  4. The mayor lives in the pol/govt world. “Bubble” if you will. He is focused on having and keeping the power to make people act the way he wants them to. Maybe he thinks that he is serving their best interests, but that doesn’t matter when you view everybody not in your bubble as fundamentally different from yourself, and treat them as a collective of interchangeable units.

    Outside that bubble, we individuals recognize and deal every day with the fact that people are not interchangeable units, that we all have characteristics that make each of us different from others (snowflakes, NPCs, and collectivists less so, but even them).

    It is a categorical error to think that a set of laws or programs can cause individuals to cease to be individuals and to act in a regimented way even if that way is largely beneficial to them. And some of those individuals will act in self-serving ways that violate their neighbors’ rights, or in outright evil ways such as mass murder. Laws can only punish those who violate others’ rights, laws cannot stop them from those violations in the first place.

    That leaves the responsibility for the prevention of having our rights violated up to us individually. And that means that the selection of the best tools for self-protection must be left up to us individually as well. I choose to carry a gun as a primary tool to prevent someone else from violating my or my family’s rights. I know that makes me not fit in your bubble, mayor, but I don’t choose to live in your bubble.

  5. Peduto is a unionized, libtard, mouth-breather, who has just discovered he has opposing thumbs and is feeling overconfident. He & his boyfriend can go take a LONG walk off the Hot Metal Bridge. It will improve Pittsburgh 200%. The FIRST day. >:-(

  6. “We should take the guns, which are the common denominator of every mass shooting in America, out of the hands of those looking to express hatred through murder,” Peduto said.

    Yes, absolutely! No politician’s ever said something so intelligent! Take guns out of the hands of criminals since they’re the ones expressing hatred through murder. Brilliant! Since they’re the only ones doing so, you’ll be leaving all the law-abiding gun owners alone.

    Now, tell us how you’re going to take the criminals’ guns.

  7. I saw some stupid ex-FBI woman saying she tells her family to sit next to pillars in Church to protect themselves just in case someone comes in shooting. I could only shake my head and think in my head, ‘why the hell wouldn’t you tell your family members the best way to protect themselves is to shoot back?”


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