Oh shit, don’t get me started. I’m tired of kicking plankers in the ribs to get them off the damn gym floor and out of my way.
4 hours and 30 minutes. Good for her. But she could have played 18 holes of golf and drank a couple beers in that amount time. Much more enjoyable.
It’s been proven many times that static exercise does not build muscle as fast as something with movement. She could have done ten minutes worth of crunches and still got that round of golf in.
Almost as useless as this little goodie. But trying to get on a Smith Machine these days is almost impossible.
What do you grill with that kind of plank? Frankly, I’m more partial to hickory with a T-Bone…
Charles Atlas was into isometrics. I guess if you can’t afford gym equipment..
The record has already been broken though, by a teen girl who was watching TikTok videos. After holding the plank for just over 7 hours, she stopped only after her mom called her to dinner for the fifth time.
She later stated that she didn’t even realize it, that she was ‘in the zone’ watching videos on her phone. And she wasn’t even particularly athletic. She just really likes TikTok. 🙂
I can’t go 4 hours without pissing.
Heck, I can’t go 30 minutes without having to take a leak.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
That’s not planking. It’s a modified yoga pose similar to dog poses. Planking was a fad of the early 2000s that looked like this; https://piximus.net/media/314 .
I especially liked the “three…two…one…go!” instructions.
My wiener was in the Guinness Book of World Records…
…Until the librarian told me to take it out.
She couldn’t use her transgender studies degree.
Somehow i just knew they were teachers…
They always have something better to do than teach Math.
(Check Canada’s Math scores compared to the world. In the Shitter!)
In high school we were tested how many sit ups we could do most quit after 30. But this skinny non athletic guy cranked out a 100.
“But this skinny non athletic guy”
A pal and I were talking about this a couple days ago. Most the good athletes we know now were total dorks in high school. We also now some peeps that were pretty good athletes when they were 17 and 18 that in their adult hood lost the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Let me tell you Ed, theres no greater turn on than striking a match off a womans rock hard abdomen. Thats why I always demand that Joanne do an hour of planks before we hit the sack
Unngh! Weird stuff, Ed .. Weird
Good joke. Too good to be in the Bad Joke Friday thread, so I’m glad you didn’t save it for 3 more days.
One of the reasons the “Dorks” are in better shape as they get older is that they weren’t Decompressing Aluminum Cans, Buying Shots, & destroying their joints with Football, Dirt bikes, & Ice Hockey.
MOST, not all, Jocks kept up the Friday night after game drinking & partying long after they graduated High School while the nerds made money,hired staff, & after working behind a desk every day, started to play sports with each other.
I crashed my Mountain Bike today and ground some fresh gravel into my elbow.
Oh shit, don’t get me started. I’m tired of kicking plankers in the ribs to get them off the damn gym floor and out of my way.
4 hours and 30 minutes. Good for her. But she could have played 18 holes of golf and drank a couple beers in that amount time. Much more enjoyable.
It’s been proven many times that static exercise does not build muscle as fast as something with movement. She could have done ten minutes worth of crunches and still got that round of golf in.
Almost as useless as this little goodie. But trying to get on a Smith Machine these days is almost impossible.
Never heard of it. Now I know. I’m enriched.
What do you grill with that kind of plank? Frankly, I’m more partial to hickory with a T-Bone…
Charles Atlas was into isometrics. I guess if you can’t afford gym equipment..
The record has already been broken though, by a teen girl who was watching TikTok videos. After holding the plank for just over 7 hours, she stopped only after her mom called her to dinner for the fifth time.
She later stated that she didn’t even realize it, that she was ‘in the zone’ watching videos on her phone. And she wasn’t even particularly athletic. She just really likes TikTok. 🙂
I can’t go 4 hours without pissing.
Heck, I can’t go 30 minutes without having to take a leak.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
That’s not planking. It’s a modified yoga pose similar to dog poses. Planking was a fad of the early 2000s that looked like this;
https://piximus.net/media/314 .
So simple. So meaningless.
^^^ Oops wrong link above. Might be fun for truck enthusiasts, though.
https://images.app.goo.gl/5fjQ1RTANQcZpiHd8 .
I especially liked the “three…two…one…go!” instructions.
My wiener was in the Guinness Book of World Records…
…Until the librarian told me to take it out.
She couldn’t use her transgender studies degree.
Somehow i just knew they were teachers…
They always have something better to do than teach Math.
(Check Canada’s Math scores compared to the world. In the Shitter!)
In high school we were tested how many sit ups we could do most quit after 30. But this skinny non athletic guy cranked out a 100.
“But this skinny non athletic guy”
A pal and I were talking about this a couple days ago. Most the good athletes we know now were total dorks in high school. We also now some peeps that were pretty good athletes when they were 17 and 18 that in their adult hood lost the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Let me tell you Ed, theres no greater turn on than striking a match off a womans rock hard abdomen. Thats why I always demand that Joanne do an hour of planks before we hit the sack
Unngh! Weird stuff, Ed .. Weird
Good joke. Too good to be in the Bad Joke Friday thread, so I’m glad you didn’t save it for 3 more days.
One of the reasons the “Dorks” are in better shape as they get older is that they weren’t Decompressing Aluminum Cans, Buying Shots, & destroying their joints with Football, Dirt bikes, & Ice Hockey.
MOST, not all, Jocks kept up the Friday night after game drinking & partying long after they graduated High School while the nerds made money,hired staff, & after working behind a desk every day, started to play sports with each other.
I crashed my Mountain Bike today and ground some fresh gravel into my elbow.