Planned Parenthood – We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood – We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion

The Wrap-

A Pennsylvania branch of Planned Parenthood raised eyebrows Tuesday after tweeting that Disney should widen its animated princesses to include one “who’s had an abortion” and “an undocumented immigrant.”

“We need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion. We need a Disney princess who’s pro-choice. We need a Disney princess who’s an undocumented immigrant. We need a disney princess who’s actually a union worker. We need a Disney princess who’s trans,” the account for Planned Parenthood of Keystone, Pennsylvania tweeted on Tuesday morning.

The tweet was deleted about two hours after being posted  — but of course the Internet never forgets.


I will oblige this loon.  (I don’t even want to tag these pieces because I don’t want to be associated with the creation of them. They are not funny. They are disgusting, but need to be done.)

Here’s one with an “undocumented immigrant.”

Here’s a Disney movie where a princess’s mother had an abortion-


Here’s a Disney trans movie-

21 Comments on Planned Parenthood – We Need a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion

  1. Via David Burge (iowahawkblog):

    We need a Disney princess who rejects the entire notion of unrestrained government power determined by hereditary ascendancy.

    Also via David,

    The basic ethos of Disney boiled down: monarchies are great, and disease-carrying rodents are lovable.

  2. O.k., I’ll be very politically incorrect. Disney films showcasing princesses have monarchies as the governmental unit, and most of these movies are set in some undetermined past with horses as transportation and swords as the primary weapon. In these settings, the primary function of a princess was to be married off and produce babies. This would eliminate the trans-princess and the pro-choice princess out of the gate.

    Theoretically, a princess could have an abortion if the fetus was a female and someone could determine gender in utero. Male children were prized, but female children were either pawns to be married off to cement alliances or otherwise fairly useless. A queen who didn’t produce an heir was a waste of time, and not bearing a male heir was a failure on her part. And forget marrying an illegal alien – if these happened the princess would be a princess no longer, or a union worker because unions are anathema to monarchies.

    I know – Disney films are fantasies and the princesses can be whatever Disney wants. Except they normally aren’t. The princesses can be smart, resourceful and clever – but in the end they are looking for Prince Charming and destined to bear heirs to the king or male nobles.

  3. It’s funny but sad how far things have gone in such a short time. I know it’s Warner Bros., but I still remember a cartoon with a murderous (I guess) Muslim, whose line, as he tries to murder Bugs or Daffy, is…

    I’ll wait a few minutes, and see if anybody else remembers his line. Please chime in!


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