Did Facebook’s ‘favors’ for the Obama campaign constitute a violation of federal law? – IOTW Report

Did Facebook’s ‘favors’ for the Obama campaign constitute a violation of federal law?

FOX: Controversy continues to swirl around how the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtained personal data from over 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge and used it to target ads to individuals in an effort to help Donald Trump be elected president in 2016.

But a more serious case of apparent misconduct involves Facebook data going to a different presidential campaign – this time in 2012. In this case, which is getting far less attention, Facebook reportedly voluntarily provided data on millions of its users to the re-election campaign of President Obama.

If true, such action by Facebook may constitute a major violation of federal campaign finance law as an illegal corporate campaign contribution. The matter should be investigated by the Federal Election Commission – an agency I am quite familiar with, because I served as one of its commissioners from 2006 to 2007. The commission enforces campaign finance laws for congressional and presidential elections.

A federal law bans corporations from making “direct or indirect” contributions to federal candidates. That ban extends beyond cash contributions to “any services, or anything of value.” In other words, corporations cannot provide federal candidates with free services of any kind. Under the Federal Election Commission’s regulations, “anything of value” includes any “in-kind contribution.”  read more here

8 Comments on Did Facebook’s ‘favors’ for the Obama campaign constitute a violation of federal law?

  1. If these guys don’t start getting anything more than just a little bad press I’m going be so damn pissed off I might kick my neighbors dog next time he’s walking through my yard. Where are the perp walks?

  2. Of course it is illegal as all hell. Yet I read today about how Barky is “…working on ways to change how people get the news on social media.” The last f–king guy who should be anywhere near the levers of social media.

    I’m with you, joe6pak. Why isn’t he busy prepping for testimony with his legal defense team?

  3. “And what will come of this?” Who knows?
    But I know for damned sure, Zuckers has pissed off both left and right, so these bad news with facebook attached to them is not good for their PR. I’m on Facebook and I’ve noticed people quitting from constantly being thrown in jail for practically nothing. Including some on the left. Facebook’s days are numbered.


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