Planned Parenthood Wins the UnSelf-Aware Award of 2019 – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Wins the UnSelf-Aware Award of 2019

I know there are 4 months to go, but no one is going to top this one.

In an attempt to join the “body-positivity” movement, PP committed the most depressingly ironic moment of 2019.

Um, they throw tiny bodies in the garbage, suck them up with vacuums, chemically scorch them, break them up with scissors. Are they kidding?


13 Comments on Planned Parenthood Wins the UnSelf-Aware Award of 2019

  1. …they are RIGHT. Those tiny little bodies they sacrifice to Moloch are MUCH more valuable to mankind and to the Lord than the gigantically morbidly obese ones the lesbians who come UP with this stuff trundle around in…

  2. …also, while we’re on the subject of size, just because you can find a large group of evil people who say abortion is OK, doesn’t change the fact that it’s infanticide…and just to put that in perspective, all of you butchers put together aren’t bigger than the Lord, and HE is NOT a fan…

    “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

    Matthew 18:6

  3. …I’m afraid size WILL matter during gallows construction.

    Would’t want rope that’s not rated for the live weight and dynamic load that a well-fed Democrat poses, and oak for a really solid build is expensive, especially considering how many we’re going to need…also, while crossbuck construction is more practical for large numbers simultaneously, there’s something that would be FAR more satisfying about the LEADERS, at least, dangling from a free arm, futiley scrabbling for the upright that will be forever juuust out of their airdancing reach…

  4. So, I admit I’m biased. When I talk to an overweight Conservative, I’m thinking, well, at least their mind is functioning, even if they can’t control their weight. Must be a reason for that… Maybe they’re unhappy, maybe they have a metabolic problem combined with a lack of exercise…

    When I talk to an overweight Lefty / Progressive / Democrat, I’m thinking, well, they’re really screwed up – and they’re UGLY! Brain and body match. No slack… Go away!

  5. MJA
    SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 AT 11:14 AM
    “Unless you’re shaped like an actual pregnant woman.”

    …and a pregnant woman is shaped like a political platform to a Democrat, and God knows they stand ALL OVER them while pushing the Democrat’s murderous agenda, then throw the women to the side after the consequences of their actions makes them too unstable for the story the Democrats want to tell anymore…

  6. I’m as confused as that character design on the graphic! The character looks like a lesbian. If that’s supposed to be a guy-what guy wears too short shorts with a sweater? So, if a lesbian or a freaky looking man says you are fat, don’t let that define you! Or, if you look like this poster, just keep being you. Mmmmm’kay.


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