Play this cartoon for a woke millennial and watch them explode – IOTW Report

Play this cartoon for a woke millennial and watch them explode

We grew up on this stuff, I guess that’s what makes us inferior to today’s generation. The world is so much less divided and racist now, don’t you agree?


ht/ js

20 Comments on Play this cartoon for a woke millennial and watch them explode

  1. …junior. Loved it. Had an appropriate message for young kids not to cheat and exposed them to foreign culture and traditions.

    What’s not to like?

  2. The American people are being deliberately manipulated into the current state of BS. Cancel culture, CRT, LBGQ, Climate, Change is the lefts means to their end. Very selfish people. This needs to end yesterday.

  3. Not noted so far is the wrist radio – predecessor to the Apple Watch – that Dick Tracy had some 50-60 years ago. Pretty amazing. And speaking of cartoon technology, how about the Jetsons….?

  4. Blazing Saddles was the epitome of canceling racism. The only people who said the bad word were either obvious racists or ignorant racists capable of redemption, and they all saw the light or paid the price.
    And that is the problem, not just with racism but with any ‘victim class’. If we aren’t allowed to call out those perpetrating crimes because they belong to a certain class we will never eliminate it; if we are able to identify those perpetrating crimes, arrest and convict them in a fair manner, then society can move forward. Certainly there have been times in our history when the law was not fairly applied, but reconciliation doesn’t happen when it is applied unfairly in another direction ‘because reparations’

  5. Play this cartoon for a woke millennial

    Likely they would explode from the reactions they would receive for updating their social media status to “Watching Dick Tracy” and creating a watch party to invite all their friends to watch along.

    I mean, do millennials do anything without first alerting the world they are doing something?

  6. @LCD
    Some priceless lines in Blazing Saddles:
    “The sheriff is *near*”
    “No. Mongo straight.”
    “…good old nigger work songs”
    “Work work work. I’m sick and tired of this phoney baloney job.”
    “Simple people. You know, morons.”
    And this classic:
    “Mornin’ Ma’am.” “Up yours, nigger!”

    These days Mel Brooks would be burned at the stake .

  7. Tell anyone who’s offended to stop appropriating *our* language and speak only in Spanish or Mandarin (…or Bantu, if the mud shoe fits).

  8. In his efforts to save the Union, Lincoln incidentally ends slavery.
    Assassinated before he could get them repatriated to Liberia.
    Reconstruction, Carpetbaggers. KKK rises.
    Civil Rights act passes in spite of obstruction by Democrats.
    Segregation ends.
    Kennedy(s) enforce school integration. Southern Democrats outraged.
    Affirmative Action enacted, Negroes portrayed as victims. Reverse discrimination ensues.
    Dr King sidelined- not radical enough.
    King murdered by white racist.
    LBJ Great Society ironically enrolls negroes. As Democrats!
    Black Power movement and race riots. Some hippie demonstrations as well.
    Black gloves in fists raised at Olympics.
    More race riots.
    Racists take a knee, congresscritters emulate them.
    Corporations get Woke, knuckle under to pressure.
    Antifa suborns BLM, supplies funding and organizing for widespread disruption.
    Local gov’t colludes, hampers law enforcement.
    Arrested rioters seldom punished for their crimes.
    Media gleefully portray them as heroes.
    Policemen retire in disgust.
    Gun grabbers target law-abiding Citizens.
    It gets worse.
    Magic Negro the new messiah.
    Orange Man Bad.
    Election stolen in plain sight.
    Demented pedophile is now the puppet-in-chief. Administration “rewards” citizens with a pittance, lavishes big bucks on parasites and enemies.
    Commies and homos run the Military now.
    China owns the *president* and N Korea getting frisky.
    US economy in free-fall. Obscene deficit.
    Muzzies on the rise. Engineered “pandemic.”
    Blacks beating Asians portrayed as White Supremacists.
    Conservatives portrayed as the greatest threat to American culture.
    Only whites are racists now.

    Have I got that about right?

  9. Just so the left knows, the Mexicans I knew friggin LOVED the Mexican cartoon characters. Especially Speedy Gonzalez.
    Even Slow Poke Rodriguez. LOL

    I kinda liked the ginger Irish kid, Gossamer. 😀


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