“Playful Urination” Explains Gender Gap in Physics – IOTW Report

“Playful Urination” Explains Gender Gap in Physics

Three academics in Australia think they know why girls aren’t as interested in physics as boys.  Because boys can pee standing up and engage in “playful urination.”  That’s right, because boys can write their name in the snow and direct the stream of urine for fun and learning, it gives them a natural interest in physics.  More

29 Comments on “Playful Urination” Explains Gender Gap in Physics

  1. Boys start experimenting with the multiple aspects of the penis from age 4/5 on, but at the end of the day, the master of the penis is the women because she controls the most powerful force on Earth……THE MAKER OF CHILD, THE MAKER OF PLEASURE……don’t tell them or they might want to take over the Earth and we’ll only be peeing in the snow in an artistic manner….

  2. One night years ago, a few of us drinking on the dock, one of the wimmin challenged anyone to a bet to see who could piss the farthest. Guys, in case you don’t know, don’t fall for this. This girl dropped her shorts, bent over and peed backwards and I’m telling you it went 25 feet. I’ve never been in a pissing contest since.

  3. An old joke….Gal and Guy are having a whose best contest. Gal says”I can pee higher on a wall then you”…Guy laughs and says “your on”….they go outside the bar and the Gal pees about 2 1/2 feet up the wall….Guy laughs and prepares to beat the mark….Gal sez ” UNH UNH NO HANDS”….

  4. 100 likes for Willysgoatgruff!

    Seriously? Physics was a favorite and fascinating subject in school. I detested biology (the formaldehyde) and chemistry. So I’m confused by the article, is there a gap in the number of girls/women studying physics or do they contend females don’t do as well in the subject?. Where is their proof? I think they fabricated this nonsense while peeing standing on their heads.

  5. The “three esteemed professors” are among those sick perverts who like to watch people relieve themselves.

    This just says to me that young men are too fixed on their genitals (probably true, anyway). Maybe their testes shouldn’t descend till later in life.

    (With all the esteemed gentlemen here, I’m so glad BFH took away the thumbs down vote on this site.)

  6. Old bit of Internet arcana from the day before web browsers: “What I learned in College… Biology is Chemistry. Chemistry is Physics. Physics is Calculus. Calculus is hard.”

  7. Two farmers, one had a daughter and the other had a son. When their kids were teenagers they started dating. One day the girl’s father went over to the other farmer’s house and said that he didn’t want thier children dating anymore. The boy’s father asked, “Why not?”

    The other farmer said, “Come here and I’ll show you.”
    In his yard was the girl’s name written in pee in the snow.

    The boy’s father said, “Oh, come on, that’s just boy stuff.”

    The other farmer said, “You think I dont’ know my own daughter’s handwriting?”

  8. I remember Buddy Hacket telling Johnny Carson about the doctor asking him to fill up a urin sample bottle on the shelf and he said he would have to stand on a stool to get it that high, but he could write his name in the snow.

  9. A mayor came home one winter day and found some one had written “The Mayor is a jerk” in the snow.
    He got the police experts to try to see who had done it.
    Urinalysis showed it was his best friend, but handwriting analysis showed it was his wife’s handwriting.

  10. I couldn’t care less about the law of physics regarding who can piss higher, longer, straighter….I do however, care about the opportunity to take our minds off the offensive, divisive and excruciatingly painful assaults against America’s rightful position in world affairs.

  11. I’m afraid with my 70+ year old prostate, even if there were any snow around, I’d have to write in Morse Code (lots of dots and a few dashes). Stream flow wasn’t what it used to be.

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