Please Bear, Stop Attacking the Kayak and Attack the Annoying Girl – IOTW Report

Please Bear, Stop Attacking the Kayak and Attack the Annoying Girl

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ht/ Petrus

35 Comments on Please Bear, Stop Attacking the Kayak and Attack the Annoying Girl

  1. Did I actually hear this buttwipe say, “Please!” to a bear, as if she was really polite, the bear would stop? Friends, this is exactly what our liberal friends are going to sound like when muslims come for them. Our librards will be shrieking, “Please don’t cut of my head!” just before you hear the plop.

  2. That was my first reaction as well. It was fun watching the bear destroy her kayak, and annoying to listen to her mouth. BTW idiot whinny liberal, bears don’t hibernate all the time. If food is plentiful there’s no need for them to hibernate. He’ll live nicely off your kayak for the winter.

  3. omg! Her voice. YIKES. While I was watching the video I had to post… ARE THERE NO ROCKS?? Then she mentions she has Bear Spray. wtf! Throw the rocks REALLY hard… if it comes towards you fucking let it have it! Come on! It’s a BLACK BEAR. Not a Grizzly. geeze.

  4. I did several tours in Alaska on Kodiak Island while in the Coast Guard. Saw many a bear. Rug’s mostly but some head mounts. Seems like a .338 mag worked pretty good. I’m sure a trusty old 30-30 in the right hands would work on terrorist.
    If they are only wounded, Gitmo and listening to a record of this bimbo, 24 hours a day. With a scratch in it.

  5. This is the inevitable result of all those stupid Alaska-based “reality” shows: city-dwelling liberals with too much money and too much time going up there to spoil the last of the wilderness.

  6. I think one of my favorite quotes goes well with this:

    The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. – Herbert Spencer (1891)

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