Plunging – IOTW Report

23 Comments on Plunging

  1. If the GOPe thinks they had a tough time generating turnout for Mitt Romney, just wait until you see the tepid response they get for Jobbers should they figure out a way to spirit him is as their guy.

    Or perhaps that is the whole point. I think Rove and the CoC and crew would be pretty damn happy with a President Clinton.

    Either way, I’ve had my own Road to Damascus moment on the GOP. I feel like a fool for the gifts of my time and my cash and my caring that I’ve wasted on them pretty much my whole adult life (I’m 52) and they won’t see me lift a finger on their behalf in 2015/2016. Individual candidates? Sure.

    Party? Nope. I don’t have one, not anymore.

  2. If you want to see something impressive, you should see the way my junk email file in my Outlook fills up with pleading missives from the RNC, the candidates, Rinse Priapus, Karl MarxRove, dickies Morris, Romney’s crew, Speaker Cryin Johnny BoogerBubbles, Mitch McTurtle…

    The whole lot of ’em.

    God, I love pushing that permanent delete button on these traitorous shitheads.


  3. I remember thinking when McCain was running against Obama, that McCain wasn’t even trying to win. Turns out I was right. The fix was already in.

    Just like this time, they picked Jeb because they knew if anyone could lose against the Dem pick, it would be Jeb. They thought the fix was in.

  4. This is the third photo I’ve seen now of a candidate eating one of those pork chops. Is this their way of getting all homespun and folksy and showing us that they’re really one of us? It just strikes me as pure pandering.

  5. The ones financing Yeb’s campaign are also financing Cankles’. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is behind a lot of this. I’ve stopped doing business with members whenever I can avoid doing so, and I’ve let them know why.

  6. Maybe the GOP is more like me than I imagined.

    I’m convinced 0bama is going to walk away and say, “That big stinking turd? Not mine, I didn’t do it.”

    So may as well let Shrillary kick the turd around for a few years. With Yeb in the race, she’s got the title of turd kicker locked up and I can’t wait to hear her blame it on Zer0.

  7. I have this rule I go by when judging the character of a man. Never trust a man whose hips are wider than his shoulders. It’s never failed me. Sooner or later he’ll let you down.

  8. I had a boss back in the gov’t, who, every time he walked by, the younger guys would say “Child-bearing hips!” and break out laughing. And yeah, he was a back-biting slimy POS.

  9. Pork… be Inspired. That should be blown up and made into a poster and sent to CAIR headquarters. Yeb will be drummed out and finished by the muzzies quickly for his insensitivity. They might even behead him.

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