Plus and Minus – IOTW Report

Plus and Minus

Well, actually, both are pluses.
First, let’s wish Dianny’s mom a happy 90th birthday!
Happy birthday!!!

The other plus is: CNN+ just got subtracted.
Whelp. So much for that. CNN’s subscription service, CNN+ just got subtracted.

Yup. Not one month since its launch and CNN+ is calling it quits.

Is anybody else laughing? Because I’m howling over this!

I mean, honestly, guys, what the hell were you thinking?

You can’t find 800,000 people to tune in to watch CNN for free during prime time. Did you really think people would line up in droves to pay $5.99 a month for a subscription version?

Oh, man! I just thought of something!

Chris Wallace! I forgot about him. He must be seething! more

11 Comments on Plus and Minus

  1. “Chris Wallace! I forgot about him. He must be seething! ”
    Yea well, that stupid smirk on his face is armor in case someone like Donald Trump exposes him as a retarded mother fuuuucker. I mean he did jump FOX for an already failing Deep State Propaganda Network. Just like his dad, dumber than a box of rocks.

  2. Happy birthday to Dianny’s mom.
    Greg Kelly was rejoicing last night.
    He worked with Wallace and said he is not a nice guy.

    Chrissy is an arrogant jerk.
    With that terrible voice the only way he got on tv was his father.

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