Poilievre Says: We’re going to supply the democratic world with responsible Canadian energy – IOTW Report

Poilievre Says: We’re going to supply the democratic world with responsible Canadian energy

Yes. You can supply the world with one less leftist a-hole, too. Dump Trudouche.

3 Comments on Poilievre Says: We’re going to supply the democratic world with responsible Canadian energy

  1. Patrick Brown (DOUCHE BAG) is running against Pierre.
    He became mayor of Brampton just outside of Toronto where he Closed the Hockey Rinks to EVERYONE during the pandemic.

    Everyone, except himself & his friends who would show up in their high end German cars & have a Private Pickup Game. (2020)

    They Got Busted by Rebel News – David Menzies

    Brown in turn got the Cops & private security to Charge Menzies with Trespass on the arena which is PUBLIC PROPERTY.

    The Judge tossed the charges on Feb 28/2022 – Source – rebel news.

    The point is that Pierre is running against our version of RHINOS.

    I hope he wins but our conservative are PUSSIES, GLOBAL WARMISTS, & only slightly better than Sparkle Socks Fuck Boy Turdeau.

    Good Luck Pierre, otherwise I will not send $$$$


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