Poland Says It Will Arrest Bibi If Israeli PM Attends Auschwitz Liberation Anniversary – IOTW Report

Poland Says It Will Arrest Bibi If Israeli PM Attends Auschwitz Liberation Anniversary

WFB: Polish officials said they will arrest Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in compliance with a warrant from the International Criminal Court if he attends the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

“We are obliged to respect the provisions of the International Criminal Court,” Władysław Bartoszewski, Poland’s deputy foreign minister, told Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita on Friday.

Dozens of world leaders are expected to attend the anniversary event on January 27, which will honor the estimated 1 million Jews who died in the Nazi genocide. Netanyahu is not due to attend the ceremony, according to Rzeczpospolita. more

19 Comments on Poland Says It Will Arrest Bibi If Israeli PM Attends Auschwitz Liberation Anniversary

  1. Poland announced this publicly because they didn’t want to Arrest Bibi. They are bound by a treaty they can’t abrogate, so the next best thing is to announce their planned actions to avoid an international incident. Essentially “Hey Bibi, please don’t come here”.

  2. @Cynic got it. So far, Poland is simply doing international political posturing. They clearly don’t want to do either of arrest Bibi or ignore the ICC. It is perfectly reasonable for them to act this way. If/when Netanyahu ever steps foot in Poland, then it will be a whole different animal.

  3. So. They are going to celebrate and commemorate the holocaust by taking a totally NAZI action and position. WTF???? I am amazed. What a bunch of dumb asses. No wonder Polish is synonymous throughout history with fumbling dumbassery.

  4. “Poland announced this publicly because they didn’t want to Arrest Bibi. They are bound by a treaty”

    I think if I were in a treaty or a binding relationship with an organization I knew was that fucked up I discontinue the alliance. Like yesterday.

  5. ^^^^ So the Jews are the problem? After that mass slaughter? They don’t have a right to defend themselves? If that’s what you’re saying I’ve lost what little respect I ever had for you. I’m curious as hell as what you do for a living. I’m going with landscaper or barista. Please enlighten us.


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