Poles and Czechs follow Austria and Hungary in rejecting UN migration pact – IOTW Report

Poles and Czechs follow Austria and Hungary in rejecting UN migration pact

Save My Sweden:

Poland and the Czech Republic are set to join Hungary and Austria in pulling out of a United Nations pact on migration, as populist central European governments attack the deal before it is even signed.

By – Daniel McLaughlin

The Global Compact For Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was agreed in July by all UN members except the United States, and sets out norms for protecting and integrating people who migrate and ways to help them return home.

The pact is non-binding and recognises each state’s right to its own migration policy, but a growing number of antiimmigration leaders in central Europe are now rejecting it ahead of next month’s signing ceremony in Morocco.

“It is very likely that, like Austria, the Czech Republic and the United States, we will not be part of the UN global
compact,” Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Friday.

“We believe that here our regulations, our sovereign rules on border protection and migration control are our absolute priority.”

A day earlier, Czech prime minister Andrej Babis declared that he also opposed the pact.  more here

10 Comments on Poles and Czechs follow Austria and Hungary in rejecting UN migration pact

  1. And Brazil(was it Brazil?) just joined others, starting with the U.S., to move its embassy to Jerusalem, too.

    The tail is not wagging the Big Lion in our WH, that’s for sure.

  2. Anonymous — this is the second reference in Wikipedia about the origins of American Polish jokes that lays the greatest blame at the feet of Hollywood and the media. I know anyone who quotes Wiki is considered a rube, but…here it is, anyway:

    “The book Hollywood’s War with Poland shows how Hollywood’s World War II (and onwards) negative portrayal of Polish people as being “backward”, which helped condition the American people to see Polish people as having inferior intelligence. The book supports the Polish American Journal’s assertion that Hollywood historically was fertile ground for anti-Polish prejudice, based on its left-wing/Soviet sympathies.[17]”

    Anyone who thinks Reiner’s “All In The Family” sympathized with Archie is just wrong. The Hollywood Left used him as a foil for their own bigotry in the same Alinsky tactic they use for everything else they hang on the Right.

  3. Count Casimir Pulaski is a Revolutionary War hero and the father of US calvary tactics.
    Tons of stuff named after him in the South.
    “The Global Compact For Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration…”
    Quite possibly the longest oxymoron ever.

  4. Poland sits at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Poland’s been fucked by everybody. What? Partitioned 4 times (maybe 5) since Peter the Great ruled Russia? England declared war on Germany for invading Poland, conveniently forgetting that the USSR invaded 17 days later. And later, Churchill and Roosevelt gave Poland to Stalin (as a fait accompli, of course) along with Czechoslovakia and the remainder of Central Europe (the “Bloodlands,” so to speak). These people were fucked by the UN after the great catastrophe and should pretend no allegiance to that farcical Globaloney bullshit.

    Ah, well, the UN and NYTimes will get out the new “narrative” and then everyone can go back to sleep.
    “Migrants” my ass. Invaders is more like it. These rat-people have NO INTENTION of assimilating and becoming Czechs, Poles, or any other kind of Eastern European.

    izlamo delenda est …


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