Police: Anti-Trump Protester Punched Officer in Face in San Diego – IOTW Report

Police: Anti-Trump Protester Punched Officer in Face in San Diego

Breitbart CA: One arrest was made during Wednesday’s anti-Trump protest in San Diego after an unidentified 18-year-old male allegedly punched a police officer in the face.

The protest involved “several hundred people” in downtown San Diego.

According to local ABC News affiliate 10 News, the protesters were largely “students from Lincoln and San Diego high schools in the San Diego Unified School District and San Diego City College.”

During the protest, officers detained a juvenile for refusing to obey “a lawful order” from one of the traffic officers. As they held him, the ground chanted “let him go” and another protester allegedly punched a police officer in the face. 10 News indicate that police report the male “was subsequently arrested for his actions and is being booked for battery on a police officer.”

Various protesters could be heard yelling “F*ck you bastards” and “F*ck you!” at the police during the protest. Then the whole crowd of protesters then began chanting, “Hands up, Don’t shoot!”  read more here

9 Comments on Police: Anti-Trump Protester Punched Officer in Face in San Diego

  1. Most of this stuff is paid for by George Soreazz. The should arrest the old bastard at let him pay for the destruction and injuries that have resulted. Send all the “special snowflakes” back to class, or jail.

  2. If you think about it, extirpates, Soros probably DID pay for the destruction and the injuries that have resulted.

    I don’t wish him any harm, but I look forward to reading his obituary with a big smile. His 15 minutes are up.

  3. I hope the Russians find Soros and his sons and do what they are charged to do. The world needs to be rid of these pit vipers. As for the brats on the street, do we not have fire hoses anymore, pumper trucks? Start wetting down the snowflakes and watch them melt. America has been tolerant to the extreme, and now we need extreme retribution against these anarchists and seditionists. Either kill the snakes now, or have a civil war breaking out nationwide.

  4. I’ll bet that Soros has some pretty professional security folks surrounding his ass but then maybe the new AG Sessions will investigate the election looking for violations and is so could hardly miss what this Nazi collaborator did. If so a federal warrant would be in order and I’d bet the old quisling would turn over faster then Sonny “the bull” Gravano.

  5. There is talk in the ranks that the Democrats are starting to see Soros as dragging them down the sewer with full intent. If they abandon him, and tell the rank and file to ignore Barky and Hillary, then hopefully a new dawn will come. the Democrats realize their need to rebuild to survive. Soros’s intent is total destruction of America and creation of UN supreme New World Order, by his own words. That would mean no more Democrats or Republicans. no more freedoms. Wake up America. Find this snake and his son Alex and do the deed.

  6. I am getting sick & tired as f*** of
    these unAmerican little snot nosed children
    and their frickin abject moronic lie about Mike
    Brown and his attemped murder of a policeman…
    Fire hoses then sticks then rubber bullets.This
    nonsense has got to stop !!!

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