Police Are Calling For Reprimands Against St. Louis Rams Football Players – IOTW Report

Police Are Calling For Reprimands Against St. Louis Rams Football Players

And well they should.

The display of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” is like walking around holding up bloodied gloves and pretending they don’t fit, in solidarity with OJ.

This statement by a police spokesman speaks loudly –

“All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson … then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis’s finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance.” – SLPOA Business Manager Jeff Roorda



20 Comments on Police Are Calling For Reprimands Against St. Louis Rams Football Players

  1. These players are clueless as to what really happened in Ferguson. And apparently they are just as clueless as to who their fan base is and who pays their ridiculous salaries (certainly not liberals or the criminal looters and vandals).
    Stupid is as stupid does.
    It gets harder every day to be a fan of professional sports.

  2. Orchestrated by mafia tactics. It is insidious how widespread and deep the tentacles of this fungus of evil are able to reach.

    The USA GESTAPO, IRS and DOJ, are perfect sources from which to mine controlling tools. Blackmail is a powerful hammer of compliance.

    Terrorists are in powerful positions, already.

  3. Hope all the off duty cops they hire as security give them the one finger salute as they walk out (and stay out).

    It’s time that law enforcement all call in sick one day, but they won’t. It’s called an, “oath,” and it holds a much higher standard than that of a mere, “promise.”

  4. Astounding willful ignorance displayed by pampered thugs.
    More Black Shenanigans and public theater,
    Tiresome, boring, and stereotype enforcing embarrassment to the Rams
    Fire them all.

  5. If there was a real Commissioner there would consequences to this action. Time to boot this guy and put Condi Rice in. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and isn’t scrared of the feminazis,

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