Police Investigate Suspicious Package Near Karen Handel’s House – IOTW Report

Police Investigate Suspicious Package Near Karen Handel’s House

Handel is the Republican candidate running for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District against Democrat Jon Ossoff.

more wsbtv

ht/ jc lady

13 Comments on Police Investigate Suspicious Package Near Karen Handel’s House

  1. Patience is a virtue. Being a lamb countenancing one assault after another is not.
    We are just supposed to accept this, like we are supposed to accept repeated terrorist attacks?
    Fuck that. The dark days are coming dhimmis. You’ll wish that you never underestimated us.

  2. Now the Dems are claiming that it was a GOP false flag operation. I am surprised they haven’t made that claim about Hodgkinson.

    By the way, the Dems are already “worried” that the Georgia election will be hacked for Handel. Next Tuesday, when Ossoff loses, expect to see a horde of lawyers on Wednesday contesting the “hacked” election. They CANNOT lose this one after blowing $30,000,000 here.

  3. @Thirdtwin – what’s hilarious about “hacking” a GA election is that it’s impossible. The voting machines are sealed and not connected to the internet.

    But I agree with what the Dem response will be.

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