Police Officer Confronts Phone Scammer and Records the Exchange – IOTW Report

Police Officer Confronts Phone Scammer and Records the Exchange

Kyle Roder had a message left on his phone from someone claiming to be from the IRS and warning him that he had committed fraud and that they were going to arrest him.  Officer Roder called back and recorded his conversation for all of us to enjoy.




21 Comments on Police Officer Confronts Phone Scammer and Records the Exchange

  1. aw. You doesn’t have to call me Johnson. You can call me Ray. Or you can call me Jay. Or you can call me Ray Jay….or you can call me Sonny… I forget how the rest of the bit goes. I’ll have to look it up.

  2. Really surprised the scammer continued to talk. If the person to be scammed shows any intelligence, especially uttering the word scam, usually the call is disconnected. This guy had nuts.

    This IRS scam is an inverse Nigerian scam, where instead of paying money to get money, you are offered to pay money to avoid prison.

    Modern Rouge did a vidjayo on it

  3. I was called last year around this time by a so called IRS agent, kind of sounded like James Maxwell Johnson. I kept him on the phone for nearly an hour when he got very rude and told me to F myself.

  4. I often get the calls from someone with a thick Indian accent (“Hello, my name is Skip” – yeah, right) telling me that they have “detected a problem on my computer” that they can fix over the phone. I go straight into Gullible Ultra Dumb Guy Mode and string the idiot along until he is literally pulling his hair out from frustration and hangs up. It’s loads of fun – try it!

  5. The source of the call is India,they speak English just like it was Hindi or whatever their native tongue is. What they have is a script, not facts. We are dropping our landline at the end of this month.

  6. IronyCurtain,

    I got a call like that and I told her that I hoped the FBI kicked in their door and busts every last one of them, and that if they’re in another country I hope they get taken out by a drown strike.

    Next time, let’s invade Nigeria over that damned Nigerian email scam.

  7. You want me to pee on the keyboard?
    Which one is the ‘any’ key?
    The monitor has to be plugged in to the computer AND a power outlet?
    I gots a million of ’em for those dickwads.

  8. I get similar calls on my cell that “we have prize money for you, send us $xx dollars and we will send it to you”. Depending on where I am and what I’m doing (usually at work), I just open the call and put my phone against my radio speaker. They usually hang up quick.

  9. We get them all the time here, only it’s a “windows” problem.
    I tell them we live in a bomb shelter and offer to build bombs
    for them if they give me an address to send them to.
    They are using VOIP phones and using drop web servers in
    Chicago for the phones calling us in Guam.

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