Police Response to Nike’s New Ad Campaign – IOTW Report

Police Response to Nike’s New Ad Campaign

Via The Geller Report/ ht- js

22 Comments on Police Response to Nike’s New Ad Campaign

  1. That is well-written letter. Not that Nike will take heed. I am sick of the hatred against the police. I was a police officer and my husband’s family are all retired LEO.

  2. That’s a very well written – and heart-felt – letter.

    I wish I could join in the Nike boycott but I’ve never bought any of their over-priced, over-advertised, and substandard products to begin with so I can’t very well stop.

  3. Just take some small solace in watching these oh-so-sensitive-and-virtuous idiots, at NIKE and elsewhere, eventually drive their now profitable enterprises into the dirt.

    And the NIKE idiots will just say, “See? We told you that “they” are all Just smelly, hate filled garbage people”…

  4. Today I dropped off five Nike golf shirts and half a dozen Nike golf balls at the local Salvation Army. I own nothing else Nike. If you should happen to see a guy cutting grass in the neighborhood wearing a nice Nike golf shirt, think of me, moe tom.

  5. I just got back from the gym and they had ESPN playing on one of the Big Screens. They are reporting Nike “on line sales” grew by 30%. I bet their in store sales dropped about 70%.

  6. I wish that Mr McHale would have included Colonoscopy’s actual word quote as to why he kneeled during the Anthem for the first time; Kaperdick’s actual words were very negative to Police as a whole and Nike should have to live with their hiring of Colon along with that actual quote.

  7. Tommy

    Well if my little world reflects what’s going on, their lying thru their teefers. Plus that business is all about branding and they just pissed all over their brand. I would expect Under Armor to have a HUGE Christmas.

  8. @Bad_Brad – Interesting you should say that about Under Armour.
    Three years ago, the “animal rights” lunatics fired up a boycott because UA sponsored hunters. Then two years ago, UA really pissed off the hunters when they dumped their sponsorship of Sarah Bowmar. Then some months after that, the UA CEO Kevin Plank screwed the pooch when he called President Trump “an asset for the country” and yet again had the company boycotted, this time by the TDS mad dogs. Plank ended up resigning.

    Yet they seem to be doing well, you say? Maybe somebody on the board figured out it was far easier to piss off EVERYBODY serially rather than all at once, and weather the temporary boycott storms hoping to come through OK in the end. Go figure!

  9. Like Uncle Al, I never bought a Nike product. But I will boycott. It’ll be 0 minus 0, or 0^2, or 0 minus the square root of 0, or the absolute value of zero, or |0| x 0….something like that….but it all comes out to ZERO for NIKE.

  10. This continuing soap opera makes me long for the days when all that producers had to worry about was selling their product, and the only “message” they had to convey was that their stuff was better than “Brand X’s” version of it. You see, they used “Brand X” because unlike today, it was considered bad sport to disparage your competitors by name, just like it once was taboo for respectable lawyers to advertise their services.

    Once companies began to use celebrity endorsements, though, the handwriting was on the wall. Ethics in advertising (such that it was)
    was no more.

  11. I long for the days when the advertisements touted:
    Shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher…PF Flyers
    Now it’s, SJW, the loudest and longest.
    Just Shut It

  12. Nike is hedging its future.
    Under Obola, as under any socialist, only the politically-connected companies flourished. Thus, in any future socialist ascendancy, it’s a pretty safe bet that only politically-connected companies will survive. Socialism seems to be sweeping the nation – the (former) Demonrats are openly declaring themselves and, while the RINOs continue to prevaricate and vacillate, it’s clear that they are the Menshevik wing of the Uniparty.

    So Nike positions itself as the “friend” of the SJW maggots in order to capitalize on the movement by selling their inferior shit to all the welfare slugs who will spend hundreds of $ to pretend they’re supporting their oppressed “brothers” but are actually enriching the already rich.

    It’s a good move. There are simply more maggots than active Police-supporters and those livers of “quiet desperation” go about their “quiet desperations” without giving much thought to matters political and will buy anything shiny or new that’s brought to their attention.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Nike knows their customers! Nike has been anti America for 40 years. their sales have grown. Ad Age said that in the 3 days after this ad Nike sales were up 31% from a year ago!

    I and my friends got the Nike pushing America is bad and Americans are bad folk in ’79! Most of us stopped buying anything Nike. But I had some friends who said Americans are bad people ant the is why they must be crushed to get a “kinder gentler America”. A poll taken the day of this ad broadcast said almost 80% of folk buying Nike knew Nike hated America, It did not say if these folk wanted “A kinder gentler America” ; but if they knew and still bought it is reasonable (IMO) to assume the also hate America.

    NFL fans were very different 3 years ago. But many former fans are no longer fans because the NFL runs Americans are bad ads like this!


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