Polish Magazine Depicts Muslim Rape of Europe – And You Can’t Have That! – IOTW Report

Polish Magazine Depicts Muslim Rape of Europe – And You Can’t Have That!



Anti-extremism group Hope not Hate said the magazine cover whipped-up Islamophobic prejudice.

“Even by the standards of a far-right publication, this is a shocking and crude attempt to link refugees, Islam and rape.



14 Comments on Polish Magazine Depicts Muslim Rape of Europe – And You Can’t Have That!

  1. …crude attempt to link refugees, Islam and rape.

    “Link” eh? It’s not as though the “refugee” mohammadmen haven’t already duct taped, superglued, riveted, welded, soldered, and hog-tied (!) themselves to rape without any help from the Europeans.

  2. They cover their own women from head to toe because they are enslaved by their pathetic little boners.
    Their brains are forever trapped in an eternal Penthouse magazine, perpetually stranded at an emotional age of fourteen.
    Such is their state, that a pair of decently filled yoga pants completely decouples their higher brain functions, and they are apes again with the impulse control of organ grinder monkeys

  3. It troubles me that there are people in this world with their heads so far up their asses that they could watch a gang of moslems raping a woman, stand there and watch it, and still complain that it’s an attempt to make moslems look bad.

    The evidence is there for everybody to see — audio, video, eye-witnesses, police reports, pictures, moslem’s own words, …. what the hell else will it take? Maybe an official moslem beheading session??? They would have to pull the head out of the ass to do that, no?

  4. Europe is a lost cause, with the faggy socialists and commies (non-Russian) afraid and hiding in their lingerie drawers, wiping their butts with bacon to avoid what they know is coming….. Blame your bleeding heart libbies…

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