Polish Politician Warns About Importing Human Garbage – IOTW Report

Polish Politician Warns About Importing Human Garbage

Listen, stupids.

There is such a thing as human garbage (despite what weepy progs tell you.) If you’re importing human garbage into your country you will eventually have a garbage country.


ht/ SR

22 Comments on Polish Politician Warns About Importing Human Garbage

  1. “The America built its power because it took in immigrants willing to work and did not give any handouts.”

    That should be the motto of CBP, ICE and USCIS! Also if Trump has a slick-enough advisor, he should contact this guy and ask for his endorsement.

  2. Yep.

    And yet…ALL the *hand wringing* about how it’s
    INHUMANE to not take them in and
    and so on…

    Well, BOO HOO.
    *I* ain’t suicidal.

  3. This year law enforcement is arresting more than one islamic terrorist a week. The rate has shot up as muslims perceive weakness or ambivalence in the the Obama administration.

    While D.C. Downplays Risk, U.S. Sees Shocking Rise in Terror Arrests This Year
    It’s only May, but 2015 has seen 41 U.S. individuals arrested for terror charges, nearly double the combined total for 2013 and 2014.

    Successful Islamic Terror Attacks on American Soil (at least one death)

  4. The shocked look on the liberals’ faces when he got finished with his statement, which, by the way, was grounded in common sense and reason. They looked like they wet their panties and are ready to run to a safe room filled with stuffed toys and coloring books.

  5. No they won’t. They will have been killed off and their children raped, killed or converted.


    In Germany (where the Czarina still holds a few Castle Time Shares), they are raising hold hell against Merkel’s/CDU’s touchy-feeliness, in particular their sister/partner Bavarian group the CSU is saying enough is enough…and making seriuos, substantial and REALISTIC threats. Otherwise, Merkel and the CDU is dead. As is already the SPD (THINK: Commie Dems).

    THEY KNOW this is an invasion. They ALSO know their history, and have to temper their words and actions accordingly. It IS possible without committing suicide. Take in a few temporarily (…yes, they actually FOLLOW their laws! Remember when…?!?). But no more.

    If I had my druthers, I’d get the trash on trains up to the North Sea (direction Bremerhaven), load them and head to Kuwait, UAE, or whatever f*cking muzzie-land comes first. They don’t WANT/TAKE ’em?!?


    So sorry: SUICIDE isn’t a Christian THANG.

  6. Enoch Powell said as much to the British people back in the sixties. They called him a racist and laughed him out of office.
    This Polish Statesman is right. Donald Trump is right. Enoch Powell was right.. But nobody is listening.

  7. The Eastern Bloc countries know when they are getting the short end of the stick because they had overt oppression for years and can still recognize it. The west have been lulled to sleep with creeping fascism since world war 2 and have lost their will to resist.

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