Politico: We Must Get Rid Of GDP (Makes Obama Look Bad) – IOTW Report

Politico: We Must Get Rid Of GDP (Makes Obama Look Bad)

Sweetness & Light-

The first quarter GDP has been once again revised down to a negative .2%. So there is only one thing to do about that. We have to declare that the GDP is no longer accurate — or even fair.

From a shameless Politico:

GDP’s Going Down? That’s Good!

It’s long past time to discard an antiquated, and often wrong, indicator.

By ZACHARY KARABELL | June 26, 2015

It’s our national mantra: GDP. Gross Domestic Product. No other figure rules our world more completely. We saw it again this week when the government released its latest revision of the first-quarter GDP numbers that showed the U.S. economy is contracting slightly…

Which is the real reason for this screed.

And yet GDP is a critically flawed measure—so flawed that, believe it or not, ever-larger portions of the world would be best served not by GDP going up but possibly by it going down. GDP growth these days is nothing less than a relic of the past…

How timely.


17 Comments on Politico: We Must Get Rid Of GDP (Makes Obama Look Bad)

  1. Wow, yea our countries going down the tubes so let’s change the only true metric left. Yea we will all feel better about that. News Flash dick heads, we can figure out things ain’t good. Un clasp Barry’s dick with your lips and fade away please. You are officially irrelevant

  2. I get data from the NTMA. When Barry took offices manufacturing was 22% of GDP. It’s currently less than 8%. Those are well paying middle class blue color jobs. Gone. He’s a genius.

  3. And what isn’t noted these days is that the GDP calculation method for the US GDP was changed in 2013 (no other countries did this) such that it started including things that have not historically been considered as adding to the gross domestic product (R&D, royalties from music, books, movies, etc., planned (not actual) pension payments among other things).

    It was estimated that this change artificially added about 3% to the GDP figure which means that in reality, the GDP for the first quarter was actually about -3.2 %. This wasn’t well reported at the time because it was intended to falsely make the economy look better than it was in order to prop up deal leader.

    Here’s a couple of links:



  4. The edit function isn’t working for me – just takes me to a screen with a “0” as text at the top of the page. “Deal leader” above should be “dear leader”. And I’m sure that even with the new calculation method, these liars are fudging the real numbers in other ways.

  5. Dude, how idiotic must we look to the rest of the world’s citizens that can do math right now?
    We are as strong as our weakest link. We’re so fucked.

  6. OK Mex, listen up. GDP, Gross Domestic Product. That’s a metric of product manufactured on our soil. GNP, Gross National Product. That’s goods manufactured by any U.S. Corp anywhere. China, Mexico etc. That’s an extremely simplified description but it hits the important shit. So naturally the Libs want the latter to support their God like figure.

  7. I thought GDP was increasing at historic levels.

    Well, that is assuming GDP stands for Grotesque Democrat Progress. You know, the total increase in welfare recipients, illegal aliens, gay marriages, abortions, child molesters, pot smokers, student loan and home mortgage defaults, and the number of government employees.

  8. Ok, do a deal. Change the GDP or even lose it in exchange for publishing the real employment figures or unemployment depending on your point of view. If Americans found the real number was closer to 15% or even 20% I suspect that Obama would be packing his bags and stealing the silverwear just as fast as he could especially when his black supporters realize just how much he’s screwed them over.

  9. Same as “global warming”. Fudge the
    numbers and lie like rugs. The country
    is full of chuckleheads who will buy it.
    That’s why we are always digging the
    hole deeper. Of course we will soon pull
    a ” Thatcher” and be selling old veggies
    and stale bread on street corners.

  10. Yeah right! If his supporters as you call them can’t understand the detrimental affects of the national debt being doubled under his tenure er occupation er infestation of the White Hut then how could they possibly understand metrics of economics in any way shape or form?

    They may have nice high salaried government jobs but it still doesn’t mean their IQ is above the minority mean of 85.

    Speaking of government jobs…when you if you shrink government, those that occupy these purely optional positions will be shoved back into the toilet from which they escaped by way of government’s hands scooping them from it.

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