Politiho Offers Up a Pantload – IOTW Report

Politiho Offers Up a Pantload

This drivel is almost comical… almost.

The problem is people listen to these morons.


23 Comments on Politiho Offers Up a Pantload

  1. Climates Have To Change Over Time, It’s The Nature of Earth !
    What I Find Amazing is How Quickly These Kiddy’s Became Meteoralogists !
    Could Their Climate Doctarates Have Come in Their Freshman Packet ???

  2. Specifically, Harvey’s impact is the result of a world that has decided, over and over, to plan short term and ignore the worst case forces of nature, and a world which now thinks it can avoid changes that have happened repeatedly and routinely since the dawn of time on one piece of land or another. Shorelines change. River routes change. Animal species, even entire classes have come and gone before homo sapiens ever walked the planet, let alone after we arrived. Humans have had to migrate over again to stay out of the wrath of nature; or because of the wrath of nature.

    Now, however, we foolishly believe we can control the climate and with a little air conditioning or generated heat, keep anywhere habitable forever.

    2017 humans are like children who think they can control the heat in the middle of a fire and then are surprised when we get burned.

    Climate change? It’s been happening since the first dust settled from the Big Bang. Plan for the worst, hope for the best, and then do what we can to mitigate disaster when it strikes. Like maybe telling our townspeople, even in big cities, to get out of the way when it’s about to happen.

  3. Who Are They To Say 500 Years Ago it Did’nt Rain For 6 straight Months In Texas , The Southwest is Full of Arroyos Old and New !
    My Point is They Can’t Really Know Can They, They Are Making it All Up As They Go !

  4. The only reason this was so bad is that a high pressure formed north of Texas which kept the storm from continuing to move inland. This storm wasn’t that intense, it just sat in one spot. It was a Cat 3 but that is not an intense storm like the Al Gores and global warming want you to believe. It was only really bad flooding because of the high pressure that kept the storm from fully moving inland and continuing on into the country.

  5. Top prize still goes to the news reader chucklehead interviewing an astronomer about an asteroid passing between the earth and moon. He asked the astronomer was this near pass caused by climate change.

    I shit you not.

  6. I read a “top comment” on a social site the other day. Paraphrasing:
    Climate change causes ice caps to melt. The water travels south. When it warms up enough, it evaporates and starts to travel north where it wants to be. Since it’s too warm to freeze, it falls on us as rain.

    Yea, it had several thousand up votes.

  7. There are sea shells high in the mountains.
    If the land can rise, it can also fall.
    The ancient Egyptians were smarter than the current crop of imbeciles.
    They knew the sun was at the root of all things happening on Earth

  8. When we have a cool spell, the science deniers say, “Weather isn’t climate.” But when we have an unusual storm, they say, “Look! Climate change! We need world govt NOW!” I think this is known as eating your shit cake and having it.

  9. This is all about money and power…lots of it..Carbon Trading will fee every transaction in the world every minute of the day and the money from this exchange will be in the Trillion dollar per annum range in the first year of operation . Fees and taxes and fines will amount to much more and the wreckage to the economy will be like a world wide Harvey that does not go away. The USA will be made into a third world country or worse due to its perceived past injustices and there will be an Elite living separately with massive wealth and power…these will be the Leftists. The Trading platform is owned by people and institutions who thought the Democratic control of Congress would not end and we got Obamacare with Global Warming next to be rammed down our throat..Parts of this plan are still possible to google but it is being cleaned as time passes..All of this money will go to the Communists and some will go to friends who make wind/solar power that must be subsidized …Man Made Global misery is closer than you think…

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