Poll: Majority of Americans Say ‘Tough’ and ‘Energetic’ Trump Doing What He Promised in Campaign – IOTW Report

Poll: Majority of Americans Say ‘Tough’ and ‘Energetic’ Trump Doing What He Promised in Campaign

Breitbart: Americans approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance and believe the “tough” and “energetic” president is doing precisely what he promised to do in his campaign, according to a recent CBS News/YouGov poll.

The survey showed most, 53 percent, approve of Trump’s overall performance, and 47 percent disapprove. A majority also view him positively, describing Trump as “tough” (69 percent), “energetic (63 percent), “focused” (60 percent), and “effective” (58 percent). Further, seven in ten Americans recognize that Trump is acting on what he promised during his campaign. Only 30 percent believe he is doing something different from what was promised. read more

12 Comments on Poll: Majority of Americans Say ‘Tough’ and ‘Energetic’ Trump Doing What He Promised in Campaign

  1. President Trump is steamrolling all the Leftist and Woke crap into the asphalt with the kickbacks and laundered monies as aggregate for good measure. He is firing all the subversives and using the savings as fuel to run his steamroller. He is getting rid of ILLEGALS almost as fast as he can schedule planes to haul then out to wherever be it home country or GITMO. The Democrats are waging as much war as they can, but Trump and Musk keep winning each battle as it presents itself by turning the Leftist Mantra back upon itself. Looking forward to see how much can be accomplished by December 25th 2025 as a Christmas Present to all of us Conservatives.

  2. President Trump is doing and acting exactly what and how I wanted when I voted for him. Both times.

    We’ve known from long ago that he would face tremendous rabid resistance and that some of it might be successful. Yeah, so? The more he attacks the more he’ll win.

    I like winning almost as much as he does.

  3. All this good news, all the court battles to come which I hope are expedited, and hope he keeps on rolling. Just for fun, and since it is another promise, I’d like weekly if not “live” tally of “the great big beautiful wall” construction.

  4. Yes.

    I love everything President Trump has done so far.

    Except mRNA.

    Someone really, REALLY needs to get to him about the Killshot.

    It murders in more ways than ONE, because the masked minions of satan posing as “doctors” use can use it to excuse their betrayal of their Oath and even basic humanity in more ways than one…

    “BATESVILLE, Ind. (WKRC) – A local child is fighting for her life, while her parents are fighting a policy at Cincinnati Children’s.

    The policy says that you must be vaccinated against the flu and COVID before you can get on the organ transplant list. The organization that oversees the list—and the governmental body that oversees the organization—don’t have vaccination policies, leaving it up to transplant hospitals to make their own decisions.

    The hospital’s decision to not allow unvaccinated patients on the list, coupled with the parent’s decision to not get their daughter vaccinated, could have dire consequences for the little girl from Batesville, Indiana.”


    …a 12 yo left to die from a treatable condition AT THE HOSPITALS DISCRETION NOT THE DONOR NETWORK soley because her family has religious objections to her getting a shot made from murdered infants THAT THEY ADMIT PREVENTS AND TREATS NOTHING AND CAN ONLY CAUSE INJURY AND DEATH.

    …This evil is FAR to embedded by wicked poltroons pretending to be men of science for them to fight them before she dies.

    But President Trump could shut this shit down at the stroke of his pen.

    If ONLY he wakes up to the fact that the fakevaxxx does nothing but HARM.

    …President Trump, PLEASE wake up.

    PLEASE Lord God, wake this man, who You have annointed and protected as our temporal leader, UP.

    Lord God Almighty, show this child and SO many others Your mercy and Your power.

    Wake this President UP.

    In the merciful Name of Your son Jesus I implore Your Grace in this,


  5. The majority of Americans say Trump is doing what he promised (and which certainly has needed doing).

    The remaining Americans are stupid and it doesn’t matter what they think.

    Hey, if I was a deplorable in “flyover country”, I can deem them worthless in “shit-on-them country”.


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