Polls Show Democrat Campaign Strategy Of Indicting Political Opponents Has Backfired Horrifically – IOTW Report

Polls Show Democrat Campaign Strategy Of Indicting Political Opponents Has Backfired Horrifically

This weekend, ABC News and the Washington Post released a poll showing former President Donald Trump with a commanding 10-point lead over President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election.

The Washington Post was clearly embarrassed by its poll, and scrambled to come up with reasons readers should ignore it. Democrat analyst Larry Sabato, who confidently predicted Hillary Clinton would win 352 electoral votes in 2016 (she received 227 in her loss to Donald Trump), asked the Washington Post, “How could you even publish a poll so absurd on its face? Will be a lingering embarrassment for you.”

Other Democrats also composed panicked posts for social media.

Now, on the one hand, like all polls, the ABC News/Washington Post poll should be viewed skeptically. It’s the poll that had Biden up 12 points in 2020, overestimating his support by eight points. The media outlets’ last Wisconsin 2020 poll predicted Biden would win by 17 points. In fact, he eked out a win by seven-tenths of 1 percent.

The poll systematically privileges Democrat candidates in dramatic fashion, both nationally and at the state level. But that just makes this weekend’s results more frightening for Democrats. more

12 Comments on Polls Show Democrat Campaign Strategy Of Indicting Political Opponents Has Backfired Horrifically

  1. Earlier this year, as everything seemed to be getting worse every day, I had a sense that something was going to change for the better. I didn’t know what, just that it was something I sensed whenever I prayed for God’s mercy.

    Now, I don’t go by anything I feel, because that’s just stupid. It could be wishful thinking or something I ate(!), but I couldn’t shake it no matter what the next horrible thing our government did. It hovered there beneath my conscious awareness.

    I don’t say this as proof of anything but maybe my stupid reliance on hope, but we might be in for some kind of reprieve. Not for long, but at least something we can use to catch our breath.

    My faith in God doesn’t depend on nice things happening. I know we are in for a reckoning. It is written and it will happen. We just don’t know when. I trust God that whatever happens, he is in charge. Satan, no matter how bad he makes it, will not win.

  2. What’s even more striking;

    “The new Washington Post-ABC News survey also showed Trump with a 19-point lead (55%-36%) among voters aged 18-39”

    The youngsters finally figured out that $2500 rent for a one bedroom, 5 dollar gas, and getting your car broken into every other week kinda sucks.

  3. yes Claudia,The Lord is in control. He sets up kingdoms and brings them down. He protects those that are His no matter what is happening around them. We will one day die in our fleshy bodies But we shall live forever in our glorified spiritual bodies because we believe,because
    we obey,because we trust and hope in him. < peace be with in Jesus Christ ,our hope of salvation..

  4. Agree, Dan K, just like “overturning Roe v Wade” was the excuse for the shady 2022 midterm election results.

    They set up their false premise, manufacture their votes to match it, and their journos create a follow-on anecdote blizzard to “prove” it.

  5. @ Rich Taylor TUESDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2023, 11:12 AT 11:12 AM

    I keep telling people I talk to that the young guys I interact with are completely fed the fuck up with 1) wokeism 2) harpies running everything and getting their way 3) Democrats in general. They are completely done with it and may of them are not even interested in dating due to the overwhelming percentage of nasty, controlling, hard leftist See You Next Tuesdays around here.

    If there is one thing I’ve learned in 64 years it is that once any person who is worth a single damn is pushed beyond a certain point they go Gault and once they have gone there they don’t go back.

  6. Why is everybody excited about 10 points? After 2+ years of Biden disasters it should be 90%. Either this is just another B/S poll or people actually enjoy being effed every day of their lives.

  7. A person who goes Galt is a productive member of society who decides to reduce his or her productivity in order to thwart the efforts of unproductive people. He will turn his interests inward and focus on what he derives personal benefit from and loses any interest in doing anything that the worthless sonsabitches don’t appreciate and will destroy just for spite. They can’t produce Jack Shit on their own and resent those who can and do.

  8. ^^^^^ agreed, but it still provides an interesting dynamic for the Dems (the people are rejecting their policies) and a very entertaining squabble for the rest of us (How do you convince an Alzhmeired-addled old fart to step down?).

    They should just tell him that the election was yesterday, he lost, so now he can go back to watching old Spongebob reruns with his juice box and Goldfish snacks.

  9. Send to me this is just another propaganda angle to make Democrats get out and vote. Three times or more.

    Wish I could use some kinda old saying here but it escapes me.

    Don’t telegraph your sucker punch.

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