Poor Illegal Student Who Threatened To Shoot Up School Is “Misunderstood” – IOTW Report

Poor Illegal Student Who Threatened To Shoot Up School Is “Misunderstood”

We should have sympathy for the poor illegal who threatened to shoot up a school. She didn’t understand what she was doing.


“She’s not a demon. She’s a human being who was bullied and misunderstood,” said Karen Fox. Hernandez was in the same special education program as her son, Fox says she’s known her for nearly seven years.

“Sadly in that seven years, I saw her be horribly, horribly bulled. Not only about her disability but about her weight and her looks, as well,” said Fox.


How did the thousands upon thousands of kids who are bullied every day manage not to threaten to shoot up a school? Yes, she has hurdles to overcome. First we’re asked to help all illegals because of the pesky hurdle of our laws regarding jumping a border. If that’s not ludicrous enough, now we’re being asked to help out someone that is here illegally and is not only, most likely, a future economic burden, but is a danger.

Do I feel bad for her? Yes. Now get her out of here.

We have a word for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat Muslims on the head. It’s called dhimmitude.

We have a phrase for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat blacks on the head. It’s called the soft bigotry of low expectations.

We need a word or phrase for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat illegals on the head.

ht/ js

28 Comments on Poor Illegal Student Who Threatened To Shoot Up School Is “Misunderstood”

  1. It’s called an advocate with their own unresolved issues who should carry zero weight in the decision to deport any stripe of DACA who threatens to shoot up a school. I don’t think there’s a shorthand word or phrase for them.

    If the DACA advocate has kids of her own, nieces, nephews, any school-aged relative — let her consider the loss of one or more of them in exchange for her mentally deranged DACA friend.

  2. Well, at the top of the list are the news readers and producers behind them who airbrushed the most alarming fact – that the police found a shotgun in her home when they went a-looking. I’ve been using TWANLOC, but it doesn’t really roll off the tongue. Not catchy enough & doesn’t really communicate the meaning without explanation most of the time.

    People in the media lying by omission or outright doesn’t put one in a charitable frame of mind. They are not invulnerable to consequences of any kind, as some found out last year.

  3. No fuc excuse for this criminal illegal aliens, known since she tried to do something bad now is mentally ill ( retard ) or retardation I don’t believe the shit . Put her in the next plane back to her shit hole country with the rest of her retard fuc family.

  4. SEND THEM HOME…..every one of them and cut the ‘chain’ that keeps bringing them back or more of them coming in…. I am so fed up with reading the newspaper every morning and finding all the Hispanic surnames in the ‘who did what’ articles…..

  5. “We have a word for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat Muslims on the head. It’s called dhimmitude.
    We have a phrase for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat blacks on the head. It’s called the soft bigotry of low expectations.
    We need a word or phrase for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat illegals on the head.”

    There are many words that apply,but as far as I’m concerned “PROGRESSIVE” covers all of the above.

  6. “We need a word or phrase for when morons bend over backwards to appease, placate, mitigate and pat illegals on the head.”

    It is called having a Barry Boner for the poor child.

    Now lets move on to the lawsuit that Al Sharpton is drooling over so this poor misunderstood face-palmed illegal can get her millions, book deal, and citizenship for being held accountable for her words!

  7. “Sadly in that seven years, I saw her be horribly, horribly bulled. Not only about her disability but about her weight and her looks, as well,” said Fox.

    Yet, Karen Fox did nothing about helping her. And Karen Fox’s son, who was in the same special class, didn’t threaten to shoot up a school, while Hernandez did. What’s up with that, Karen Fox?

  8. Let me put this out there: Sometimes, a person is being made fun of or teased because that someone is an asshole. It’s not always a poor innocent kid who dindu nuthin that gets picked on or bullied. I don’t know what Hernandez’s deal is, she could have been picked on for no reason. She could have been picked on by other kids in her special class, too. But I want to point out that not EVERY SINGLE bullied kid is innocent. Sometimes the ‘victim’ starts shit and when another kid defends his or herself, they become the ‘bully’.

    Humanity’s bad traits can be traced back to public schooling. lol

  9. MJA, you are correct.

    I’ve worked with special needs kids. I went in hyperaware that they were starting at a deficit and being attentive to their needs.
    I left with a more rounded understanding that a fair percentage of them will play you, or anyone else in their orbit. Sort of like the sibling who will torture you mercilessly and cry uncle just as mom is coming through the door. Human nature doesn’t stop functioning just because they’re a little behind or different. I had one little so-and-so that would make himself throw up on you if he wasn’t getting his way, and his way was about the smallest things. That’ll bring your sense of empathy up short, double time.

  10. I was horribly bullied as a youngster. Our grade school went from 1st to 7th grade and our graduation rotation went from shortest to tallest.

    Guess who was last to get their diploma?

    Guess who was the only one that didn’t participate in the normal activities of Girl Scouts and went in a different direction?

    Guess who was routinely laughed at during recess and called disparaging names?

    Did I ever have thoughts of taking revenge?


    I only had thoughts of, “I’m going to show these people”. By the end of High School, I won!

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