Pope Francis: Global Warming a ‘Sin,’ Man Can Atone by Recycling and ‘Car-Pooling’ – IOTW Report

Pope Francis: Global Warming a ‘Sin,’ Man Can Atone by Recycling and ‘Car-Pooling’

Does the pope car-pool to foreign countries? Just asking for a friend.

Breitbart: In his message for the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” Thursday, Pope Francis said that human-induced global warming, as well as a loss of biodiversity are “sins” against God, which must be atoned for by planting trees, avoiding the use of plastic and paper and “separating refuse.”

“Global warming continues, due in part to human activity,” Francis said, adding that “2015 was the warmest year on record, and 2016 will likely be warmer still.”

“This is leading to ever more severe droughts, floods, fires and extreme weather events. Climate change is also contributing to the heart-rending refugee crisis. The world’s poor, though least responsible for climate change, are most vulnerable and already suffering its impact,” he wrote.  MORE

SNIP: Sigh… I can’t even

46 Comments on Pope Francis: Global Warming a ‘Sin,’ Man Can Atone by Recycling and ‘Car-Pooling’

  1. Mr. Pope, how many carpools do I have to have to cover an abortion?

    How much refuse do you have to separate to pay for the sin of being a shill for G. Soros, B. Obama and Al Gore?

  2. with all respect to my catholic friends but this pope-a-nator has lost his mind. Is there a recall option? I just learned that they can retire before they die- did not know that was in the rule book. Someone needs to look into that in the rules post haste.

  3. This asshat can’t be a real Pope, or even a reasonable facsimile. I agree with the first comment – this douchespray must be the Antichrist. It would figure; the whole world is in the shitter.

  4. Yo Frankie. Care to share what it takes to power the Vatican? Does your private jet run on angel farts? Can’t believe those little visits around the globe, are all solar powered, eco friendly affairs. So do us a favor and stick to kissing the gay communities ass.

  5. I don’t need a falliable man to tell me how to have my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible tells me all about the nature of God and climate change bullshit was not in it. Instead it warns about false prophets preaching about things other than Christ for salvation and worshipping idols like the creation over the Creator.

    Ding, ding Pope Francis will lead you astray.

  6. “Global warming continues, due in part to human activity,”

    Since we’re talking settled science, exactly what percentage of global warming can be attributed to humans? Furthermore, is that percentage a cause for alarm, and if it is, what percentage is not cause for alarm? And how is that threshold based, who is to say what’s acceptable versus not? Hmmmmmm?

  7. Interesting! The cabal of pukes who pollute the most are the main ones yelling about global warming! The cabal of pukes who have phalanxes of armed bodyguards are the main ones yelling for gun control! The cabal of pukes who have private walled off mansions are the main ones yelling in favor of open borders! The cabal of pukes who have the most money are the main ones yelling for the middle class to share their money with the lazy do nothings! The cabal of pukes who are above government rules, laws and regulations are the main ones calling for the election of a National Socialist (Nazi) and KKK supporter (but with a vagina) to rule over the vast masses of we poor benighted peons!

  8. Does everyone recall that this “Pope” was “selected” after the last Pope was intimidated out of the Papacy. The last guy didn’t die soon enough, so the NWO promised him he would if he didn’t resign.

  9. Summer’s almost over, and I’ve got to plan ahead. Can I get into Catholic heaven if I can get through the winter only burning witches? Am I still good if I have to fall back on firing up lesbians and atheists?

  10. Thank you Zonga.

    Pelopidas, I wish there was a recall option. Unfortunately I think the Pope has to request retirement.

    Hmmm, wonder what the crazy cardinals would do if a crazy pope pops his cork? We might find out.

    I read something last year (I think it was maybe from Blood of the Martyrs) that was a nice Lenton devotional. I put it down while using profanities – they HAD to insert B.S. about global warming.

  11. Organized and top down dictatorial religion is a construct to empower and enrich a group of elites. That they can be corrupt and disseminate misinformation is not new.

    I’ll keep my discussions with the creator between us, with no middle man.

    To me the pope is a slobbering fool living in luxury stolen from the gullible and the unwilling, selected by the Catholic mafia.
    Likewise with any Imam or Mullah. Fuck off. You’re no smarter nor anymore enlightened or divine than we gutter snipes.

  12. According to the Pope, our redemption through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has expired. We now need to seek forgiveness through the worship of Gaia or whatever foolishness enters his head.

    Mr. Pope is going to have a tough time before the Judgement Seat.

  13. Whilst this deceiver is washing the feet of Muslims who were invited into the Vatican, Christians from Muslim nations are decapitated, crucified all slaughtered men, women and children at the hands of the same followers of Islam as those whose feet Jeorge Bergoglio (pseudo-pope) is washing.

    Fr. Michael Dimond makes the argument that Vat. II made the church fraudulent.

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