Pope Francis Sick the Day After Encouraging Coronavirus Victims – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Sick the Day After Encouraging Coronavirus Victims

Breitbart: Just 24 hours after he expressed public support for the people suffering from coronavirus around the world, Pope Francis has fallen ill.

“I wish, again, to express my closeness to those who are ill with coronavirus and to healthcare workers who are caring for them,” Pope Francis said on Wednesday. He was visibly ill during the Ash Wednesday Mass, coughing and blowing his nose. And while he shook hands — and even kissed an infant — most parishioners appeared reluctant to physically interact. read more

SNIP: Unbelievably stupid move.

17 Comments on Pope Francis Sick the Day After Encouraging Coronavirus Victims

  1. We’re watching Joe Biden as Pope.

    I don’t care if he had a cold, Coronavirus, or a raging case of allergies. It doesn’t matter. The optics are bad right now.
    And it’s just stupid to show up possibly infecting people.

  2. No problem.
    God won’t have him and Satan doesn’t want him.
    He’ll be hanging around till after Ginsberg (and if the good die young, she’s gonna live forever).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “I wish, again, to express my closeness to those who are ill with coronavirus……”
    From the Pope’s mouth to God’s ears.
    “You want “closeness”? I’ll give you “closeness”. POOF! You now have the CoVid 19. With a slice of lemon”


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