Pope says nope to scientist doubting global warming – IOTW Report

Pope says nope to scientist doubting global warming


Looks like the Catholic church is up to its old tricks! Meet the Galileo of Global Warming, Phillippe de Larminat:

solar activity

Pope Francis was about to take a major step backing the science behind ­human-driven global warming, and Philippe de Larminat was determined to change his mind.

A French doubter who authored a book arguing that solar activity — not greenhouse gases — was driving global warming, de Larminat sought a spot at a climate summit in April sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Nobel laureates would be there. So would U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs and others calling for dramatic steps to curb carbon emissions.

After securing a high-level meeting at the Vatican, he was told that, space permitting, he could join. He bought a plane ticket from Paris to Rome. But five days before the April 28 summit, de Larminat said, he received an e-mail saying there was no space left. It came after other scientists — as well as the powerful Vatican bureaucrat in charge of the academy — insisted he had no business being there.

“They did not want to hear an off note,” de Larminat said.


16 Comments on Pope says nope to scientist doubting global warming

  1. Can’t help worrying about the losers the Popester surrounded himself with. And he himself doesn’t have the wisdom to question those knuckleheads? Isn’t that kinda like the Catholic church asking Kerry and Pelosi for advice on doctrine?

  2. The Pope should constrain comments to things about which he may have knowledge. Climate change is not one of the. It appears the bible isn’t an area of expertise either, since I read a story earlier today that he said weapons manufacturers can’t call themselves Christians.

  3. I’m not Catholic, but this troubles me. I’ve been to enough churches where the pastor went off the rails and became his own god. This will not end well. The Bible says so.

  4. Saw that also–and in same article he questioned why railway lines bearing prisoners to camps weren’t bombed.

    It’s a sensible question, but can’t reconciled with his stated position.

  5. The purpose of the church is to spread the gospel. Nothing more. When the Pope, or as I like to call him – “The guy with the pointy hat.” – starts preaching politics, he is to be ignored and ridiculed.

  6. “Their Waterloo”? How could the guy lose if the others refused to even engage by locking him out?

    I get it’s a loss, but because he was denied the chance to advance his position.The article’s title and quotes within make it sound like they locked horns and the warmers came out the victor.

    I *am* on a tablet, am I missing something? Because this “we won” sh*t is really irking me.

  7. OK, even the ancient Egyptians had more smartness than these ‘scientists’ who don’t know Shit from Shinola.
    They are all Grant and Research fund whores no different than the King’s Astrologers, cranking out Pap for whomever pays.
    All energy on Earth came from the Sun. The radioactivity, the Magnetic field, the weather. All of it.
    Minute changes in the Sun’s energy output will have effects in the weather patterns on Earth. They will be subtle over all the Earth, but Earth is huge and we are tiny.
    AWG is a Snake Oil scam to transfer land back to the Kings and their henchmen because they know best how to use it.
    Oldest trick in the book… after the “Looketh over there” trick.
    The only reason to blame ‘Man’ for Global Warming is so you have an excuse to try and control other men

  8. George Will the other night on FOX explained that Pope Francis comes from the Jesuit “South American strain of Catholicism ” one that does not embrace Capitalism.
    My progressive brethern in Ireland lauded the fact that he kicked off his red slippers and wore simple shoes, and got rid of the red carpet. A true man of the cloth, they said. I said bullshit! I said I don’t want my Pope looking like a pauper. Nonsense, they said, you’re an elitist. I am not .I said, I’m a proud Catholic. And I don’t want my Pope sleeping in a fucking cardboard box.
    Sure enough, just last month my Irish brethern voted in Same Sex Marriage. And I don’t know if Pope Francis had much to say about it.

    Pope John Paul 11 was a true advocate of human rights. I saw him once in New York City around Madison Avenue and 34th Street, He was in his Pope Mobile. I swear to God he looked directly at me, I turned to a guy next to me, a black guy, and I said
    He looked directly at me. The black guy said, me too, we made eye contact. We both hugged. I swear Pope John Paul made eye contact with all thousands of well wishers that day in NYC. He said Mass that evening at Yankee Stadium. I didn’t make it. Another missed moment in my life.

    But Pope John Paul, unlike Francis, lived under the Nazis in Poland. And, unlike Francis, was fiercely anti Communist. Paul, in cahoots with President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher brought an end to the Soviet Union.

    But that didn’t last long. They are all back. Obama, Pope Francis, and Cameron, are no Reagan, Paul, and Thatcher.

    Sorry for the long rant, but I’m sort of pissed off with the Pope.

  9. Just the name “Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences” is as oxymoronic as you can get. Please show me where, in all history, we’ve gone to the church for real science. Formerly Catholic, now Episcopalian, and always a Doubting Thomas, show me where the church actually celebrates the greatest gift God gave us – free thinking and an inquisitive mind.

    PS: I know many will say the greatest gift was his Son. I am not prepared to argue dogma here, but would simply state that great thinkers who moved the human condition forward, improved the species as a whole, and eased suffering came from every race, creed, or gender and existed well before the Christ.

  10. Vatican 2 was about dialogue and relating to people, today. I see none of this in the global warming caused by man “moral crisis” he’s obsessing about. The Bible tells us to be good stewards of the land. We have polluted too much and our throw-away culture has extended to “undesirable” people. He has been right on these two matters and they were included in the encyclical. It’s not all about our causing the warming. There are other socially-conservative things in the encyclical both sides have conveniently moaned at and ignored. I think FOX News has become a little too materialistic. Even Pay Buchanan has complained about culture capitalism. We, humans, shift too hard to one extreme or another. Even being a lukewarm compromised can hold extremist views about being such. The Church, at least in its doctrines, where it’s infallible in officially making and reiterating, which is why it’s doctrines have never changed, is like Christ, it’s creator, going to put out both sides that think worldly. Read the while thing. .

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