Port Authority Kicks Caren Z. Turner, Hillary Supporting Crazy Lady, While She’s Down — GOOD! – IOTW Report

Port Authority Kicks Caren Z. Turner, Hillary Supporting Crazy Lady, While She’s Down — GOOD!

Remember when we reported about Caren Z. Turner, the Hillary worker who tried to lean on 2 police officers in order to have them let her daughter’s friend get away with driving an unregistered vehicle?

(full one hour video HERE)

After her resignation, the Port Authority issued a report on their investigation and they’ve publicly censured the shrew.

Part of their rebuke was of this classic non-apology after her resignation –

Last month, my daughter and three of her friends were in a car that was pulled over by a Tenafly police officer for non-moving violations, including having tinted windows. The officers subsequently decided to impound the vehicle, leaving the four young adults on the side of a busy highway.

Concerned, I hurried to the scene to assist them. As a parent, I was upset and uncomfortable with the unfolding events. I let my emotions get the better of me and regret my tone toward the police officers and use of off-color language. For this, I apologize.

However, at no point did I violate the Port Authority’s Code of Ethics or ask for special treatment for anyone involved, nor did I suggest, in any way, that I would use my position at the Port Authority to affect the outcome of the violations issued to the driver. My resignation from the Port Authority is a recognition that this unfortunate incident could and should have been avoided. 

As a long-time Tenafly resident, I have always taken an active role in the community, including working with law enforcement officials, and I encourage the Tenafly Police Department to review best practices with respect to tone and de-escalation, so that incidents like this do not recur.


What a ****!

Typical left-wing CLINTON-ESQUE bull$hit.

“My daughter’s friend was pulled over for a non-moving violation and the officers decided to impound the car!!”

The car was not registered.

“They left 4 young adults on the side of a busy highway!”

No. The police were still there when you arrived to pick them up.

“I rushed to assist them!”

By arriving and handing your card to the police officers indicating you were the commissioner of the port authority. You were supposed to assist them with a ride home. You had other plans.

“I let my emotions get the better of me and regret my tone toward the police officers and use of off-color language. For this, I apologize.”

The only thing I got wrong was my tone. That’s all. For THIS I will apologize.

“…at no point did I violate the Port Authority’s Code of Ethics or ask for special treatment for anyone involved, nor did I suggest, in any way, that I would use my position at the Port Authority to affect the outcome of the violations issued to the driver.

When you couldn’t get the police to do your bidding, you threatened their jobs. Are you nuts lady? It’s on video.

“My resignation from the Port Authority is a recognition that this unfortunate incident could and should have been avoided.”

You’re leaving this vague. You’re spreading the blame, implying that the police played a role in the “unfortunate incident.” Want proof? Look at your last paragraph.

I encourage the Tenafly Police Department to review best practices with respect to tone and de-escalation, so that incidents like this do not recur.

HUH? The police acted perfectly. They even told you straight out that your demeanor was a problem and that the situation would probably have had a better outcome had you not arrived at the scene like you were the prevailing authority to the subservient police officers.

I encourage you to review your personality so that incidents like this do not recur.



Port Authority officials publicly censured Caren Z. Turner for a litany of ethics rules they claimed she violated.

At the same time, they apologized to the police chief in Tenafly and the two patrol officers in the Bergen County community where the incident occurred for “the outrageous and abhorrent conduct” of Turner, and the “unwelcome attention that followed.”

Port Authority Chairman Kevin O’Toole said Turner “clearly and unambiguously” violated the board’s code of ethics.

“Commissioner Turner’s conduct was outrageous and profoundly disturbing and represented a betrayal of the public trust,” he said.

The board, which voted unanimously for a resolution of censure, also referred the matter to the New Jersey Ethics Commission.


Take THAT, asshat.

Go cry at a Hillary rally.





31 Comments on Port Authority Kicks Caren Z. Turner, Hillary Supporting Crazy Lady, While She’s Down — GOOD!

  1. People who are in positions of authority and actually got there on merit don’t pull this shit nearly as often as political hacks who kissed the right asses to get into the position.

    Looks like her wardrobe consultant done her dirty by sending her out in in public wearing those sunglasses and that hideous vest.

  2. Did she not see the video? Did she not think everyone in NJ saw the video? She just doesn’t know when to shut her big yapper. I am willing to bet that because of her non-apology “apology” letter, the head of the port authority REALLY piled it on. And good for him.

  3. The cops knew full well she was digging a hole for herself on camera 🎥 and mic. Part of why they were so cool. It paid off.
    Nice job guys.
    I always hate that “do you know who I am” entitlement card.

  4. I’m no psychiatrist but it seems this sort of behavior is becoming more and more common.
    Symptoms include whining, crying, delusions of grandeur, incontinence of the mouth, aggression, irresponsibility, inability to comprehend reality, hallucinations, fits of rage, and varying degrees of derangement, sociopathy, psychosis and dementia.

    Somebody should look into this.

  5. @Toenex – and I bet the fact that the policemen remained calm and professional, and weren’t afraid of her “status” stoked her rage and goaded her even more.

  6. I really wish they would have warned her regarding her behavior and then arrested her–either for assault, attempted intimidation, disobeying a law-enforcement officer, etc.

    I heard it recently, the problem in America is that people don’t get punched in the face often enough. This chick deserved a good pop to the nose, which might moderate her behavior the next time she confronts someone.

  7. Fur — haha! That’s funny. Although Christie is more of a HIPPO than a rino. LOL!

    What is it about the Left’s inability to admit wrong-doing? This woman and Hills could be sisters. I hope she doesn’t write a book, but if she does I’ve got a title: “What Happened to Telling the Truth?”

  8. I’m thinking her middle initial Z stands for Zero or Zilch. Maybe Zillary.

    She’s done for. Bet we’ll never hear about her again, till her suicide, that is.

  9. i’m from new jersey, and i take offense at all these new jersey insults….

    no wait…i’m FROM new jersey for very good reasons…

    nowadays, i take offense at west virginia insults…. 🙂


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