Portland Antifa Bash the Bern – IOTW Report

Portland Antifa Bash the Bern

The Dailywire

“Paul Welch came to the downtown protest Aug. 4 to let his political leanings be known,” The Oregonian reports. “With pride he clutched his U.S. flag as he moved among the crowd of like-thinking demonstrators.” But things quickly unraveled when Welch encountered black-clad so-called “anti-fascist” protesters, who “demanded he lose the flag, calling it a fascist symbol,” the paper reports. More

14 Comments on Portland Antifa Bash the Bern

  1. Again another prime example that even if you are a hardcore, leftist regressive Democrat supporter, if you do one thing different than the narrative your ass is toast.

    Doesn’t matter if you support 99 out of 100 leftist ideas. You have a different opinion on that 1 thing, you are a Nazi loving, sexist, bigoted, race-hating pig who must be destroyed at all costs.

  2. That’ll learn ya to try’s get yer voice heard.

    Hahahahhahahaha… Hahahahaha.


    Off topic: BFH, you should bring back the Moran story. That always makes me laugh. That and the doppelgängers. The picture of Eric Holder and the sloth is an all-time classic.

  3. I would gladly be willing to accompany any patriot with my armed self. This poor bastard was almost murdered by this scum. I guarantee this piece of shit would not walk away. They want to deal in violence, they got it.

  4. That’s why the uniforms- everyone knows who is who. If you are some libtard walking in plan civilian clothes and holding-a-US-flag then you will most likely be confused as the “them” or “enemy” and be treated accordingly.

    Soon we will see more uniformed appearance. My bet will be it will start with the shoes. Some guy will get himself a snappy pair of knee high black leather boots- nothing screams fashion when you are stomping on someone you disagree with when you are doing it with knee high black leather boots- and it will take off from there.


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