Portland Rioters Won’t Be Out Done By Minneapolis Rioters – IOTW Report

Portland Rioters Won’t Be Out Done By Minneapolis Rioters

Gateway Pundit

Predictably, the rioters in Portland, Oregon, took to the streets in an attempt to match their counterparts in Brooklyn Center, MN. They *PEACEFULLY* set dumpsters on fire, *PEACEFULLY* threw rocks through windows of a police precinct, *PEACEFULLY* threw fireworks at police, and *PEACEFULLY* chanted “Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground.”

*PEACEFULLY*, of course. More

7 Comments on Portland Rioters Won’t Be Out Done By Minneapolis Rioters

  1. If I’m not mistaken, Jesus explicitly said to some effect; Do not be fooled that I have come here to bring peace. On the contrary, not only will my passing get bitchy in the home, but outside the home as well.

  2. Well, as long as they are peaceful riots.
    I can tell you they can crap in their own nest, but when they try that outside of town, people here won’t have it from what I’ve seen.


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