Portland Shedding Businesses Due To Progressivism – IOTW Report

Portland Shedding Businesses Due To Progressivism

“If we can’t be assured we’re moving in the right direction, we’re going to have to make a move.”

This sums up the sentiment of businesses in downtown Portland, where progressivism has fostered the outbreak of criminality, homelessness, danger and filth.

Columbia Sportswear CEO, Tim Boyle, fears he might’ve made a mistake when choosing downtown Portland as its headquarters.

His employees fear for their lives.

What made this guy think Portland was “moving in the right direction”? How can a guy so naive be a billionaire?


26 Comments on Portland Shedding Businesses Due To Progressivism

  1. This guy is the kind of business owner who chafes under Dem/lib regulations and moves his company to Arizona or Texas. Having learned nothing, he then pollutes a freer economy with his liberal issues and supports all manner of the same kind of thing that made him move from CA.

  2. Okay, here’s the solution! There’s an ocean near there right? You could set up large banks of dunking cages for running qualifying for the “ISIS cage swimming events.” For all those abusing the general public they get a priority ticket to the qualifying heats of the contest. “Two for” in that they get a bath at the same time!

    Better yet, all the politicians that helped create this mess could test out the cages with ten minute runs before any of the unclean get their turn. Just spitballing here and believe all you all could perhaps come up with other solutions…

  3. Seattle has “Stab Alley” in the downtown core that is a nightmare to walk through for people just trying to get to work. Drug deals, needles, harassment … fun times in the Emerald City. Another tax should fix it I think…😐

  4. Can’t wait to see the progressive centers in the NW start getting even more battered economically due to their stupid politics. Might just wake them up. Then again, I’m just an optimist . . . ;^)

  5. The “Zone” where this filth is allowed is pretty much defined by the Portland City Limits. If you learn where those boundaries are, you can avoid these disgusting animals. I am keeping an eye on one of my favorite grocery stores, because the zombies are getting close. They recently hired a “security guard” to patrol the parking lot. If you have to get near the boundaries of the “Zone”, go shopping early before they are awake. Otherwise, just stay out of Portland. I will not go there. For anything.Ever.

  6. I’m sure Portland’s “Gender Fluid Committee on Justice for Criminals, Homeless, the Dangerous and Filthy” will get right on it. Maybe just one more ordinance!

  7. Don’t look for Portland to change their policies or views. Liberals have a habit of doubling down on stupid. There may come a point where the pendulum will swing the other way but it’s very far in the future.

  8. moochoman- I was thinking the same thing. You never see them back off or end a law. Just transform it and envelope things that have nothing to do with the ‘problem’ the law was written for. Inside every prog is a Jr. High school-level dictator.

  9. Don’t go anywhere near downtown Portland. Heavily populated with free range, toilet averse bums. Avoid the local media as well. 95% hard core leftists. Most are Nina Burleigh wannabes. The local media, and most elected officials, idolize communists, socialists, anarchists, BLMs, Antifas, atheists, homos, and other degenerate democrats. A city councilman declared Portland was going to be homeless free. So the city gave free housing to homeless drug addicts, alcoholics, the mentally ill, fugitives, illegals, drug dealers, hard core criminals, and unemployable bums who tend to vote for democrats. After Portland provided housing for its 1,000 bums, 5 thousand more bums showed up demanding no-strings-attached free shit. Many of the bums have been elected to public office. The city is still working to find housing for the new bums and cannot figure out where most of the city’s problems are coming from. Kinda like Europe and the Muslims.

  10. There have been similar complaints from many businesses in Seattle. The area where I live are million dollar homes & just a block away you’ll find homeless encampments strewn with garbage & infestednwith rats. The city councils solution is a tax on businesses with “high” numbers of employees. It’s madness.

  11. I used to live in the Portland OR area and am a former emplpyee of Columbia Sportswear. Tim Boyle is no liberal, but he loves the Northwest as it has been his home all his life. Columbia Sportswear was founded in Portland in the 1930s.

    But it has finally descended into this. Portland is a cesspool – literally, with human feces in the street. Homeless and panhandlers have more rights that a mother trying to protect her children from them. It is what liberal, progressiveness does to communities.

    Do not forget, Portland is also the home of the most violent Antifa protests around, for worse than anything that has happened in Berkeley.

    This is what the Left want for the rest of the USA.

  12. The solution is to swap out businesses like Columbia Sportswear for businesses that can cater to street people. Maybe a liquor distributor specializing in Thunderbird and Mad Dog 20/20. Perhaps an opium den and heroin shooting gallery. Designate a soup kitchen alley where dumpster food is available for a nominal fee, or panhandling kiosks where the owner gets a cut of the take. Don’t prosecute fencing operations – license them.

    It’s a liberal city run by ultra liberals who aren’t going to change their philosophy or policies, so if you want to stay in Portland and run a business, you need to recognize your true market.

  13. Just a couple years ago I saw a billboard in Portland that declared Portlant to be the most liberal city in the country, and they were proud of that. They deserve what they get.

  14. Tonight’s news in PDX entitled Small business owners say Portland is ‘lawless’ from KOIN 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTF-NDRcv18X

    The heroin addict who threatened the woman’s life in the video can be found here: http://pdx.mugshots.io/search/?last_name=HORVATH&first_name=SHANE&#prof He’s been arrested 45 times in the past 4 years.I have even been in a Starbucks with him earlier this year when he walked right in, high as a kite, and watched him start shoplifting.The manager stopped him, but you are dealing with a population that most likely has Hepatitis C as well as strong possibility of being HIV Positive.

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