Possible Sex Ring “Honeytrap” Operation Uncovered in D.C. and Boston – IOTW Report

Possible Sex Ring “Honeytrap” Operation Uncovered in D.C. and Boston

UK Daily Mail

Intelligence experts are becoming increasingly convinced that six high end brothels in the suburbs of Boston and Washington, D.C. were set up by a foreign nation as an espionage ‘honeytrap’.

They believe the brothels – allegedly masterminded by a 41-year-old South Korean woman – targeted politicians, high ranking government officials and defense contractors. 

But the mystery is which country was behind the scheme. RussiaChina, Korea itself, or even Israel are al seen as possibly being behind the scheme. More

10 Comments on Possible Sex Ring “Honeytrap” Operation Uncovered in D.C. and Boston

  1. “set up by a foreign nation as an espionage ‘honeytrap’.”

    Why are the media snubbing our own domestic talent? How many honey trap brothels ya figger our spooks are running? The need for dirt didn’t stop when Epstein didn’t hang himself.

  2. Just some of the “Congressional Aides” on the payroll.
    It worked for Epstein, good business model, but the models look more than 10 yo.
    Only arrested for not giving the Big Guy his 10%

  3. Cmnccguy – The ONLY REASON government EVER goes after victimless crimes is because THEY aren’t getting a cut. The ONLY TIME they restore freedom and liberty (sort of) is when THEY can get a cut.

  4. “Intelligence perverts are becoming increasingly convinced that six high end brothels in the suburbs of Boston and Washington, D.C. were set up by the FBI and others as an extortion ‘honeytrap’.”


  5. Damn, I live just minutes from the Fairfax spot and had no idea that I could have sacrificed everything in my life for a couple hours with a Korean bimbo.

    Of course, you can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting a Korean bimbo. We have entire shopping centers with signage entirely in Korean, and neighborhoods where only Koreans are allowed to buy in. But they have some good restaurants, so it’s a decent trade-off.

  6. Possible honeytrap?
    No shit, Sherlock!

    If you spent any time in the military, 40s thru 80s, and were stationed overseas (especially Europe), that was one of the “welcome to your new duty assignment” classes that you received on arrival. Basically, “if it’s too soon, too quick, too eager, and too willing, IT’S A HONEYTRAP!”

    Sheesh! Some people will allow themselves to put the noose around their own neck.

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