Post Inspired By Another Thread – IOTW Report

Post Inspired By Another Thread

I made a passing comment that there are very few sites that we can go to that are not garbage truck juice (and in this comment I am including sites that normally are right in line with my thinking that all of a sudden make me say “wtf?”)

Joe 6 Pak asked me what sites I would list that haven’t, yet, disappointed in any way.

I said-

The Conservative Treehouse (They’ve done a few controversial things, mostly flame wars, but nothing game changing.)

The Geller Report

Jihad Watch

Watts Up With That?

Patriot Retort

Diogenes Middle Finger.

This is not a complete list, just one that was off the top of my head.

But this will make a great thread.

There is no wrong answer, there is no wrong website, but drop in the comment section the websites that never leave you scratching your head asking, “where the hell did that view come from?”

63 Comments on Post Inspired By Another Thread

  1. I mentioned Western Rifle Shooters Association with a qualifier in your first post. Ninety Miles From Tyranny is awesome. Pacific Pundit I just started following but seems pretty good.

  2. Here’s one off the beaten path but they come up with some good stuff, North West Liberty News. From someplace in a cave out of extreme northern Montana. Occasionally a very interesting spin.

  3. I know Jim Hoft at TheGatewayPundit has been taking some heat lately for his corny “BOOM!” headlines and for Lucian Wintrich’s nonsense, but he’s still on my once-a-day rounds because somehow he manages to find at least a couple stories a week (and more often) that are original to him. I think it’s harder when you’re doing your own journalism.

    And because Gerard is such a fabulous writer/poet I never miss a day of — although I’m still getting used to his new site.

  4. IOTW Report rules the roost. Posters and commenters are the most intelligent and funny on the planet

    American Thinker is mostly spot on
    Gateway Pundit
    Legal Insurrection
    Instapundit is mostly an aggregator

    Ask this question 5 years ago and much different answers, which proves that landscape is constantly changing. And one must not rest on their laurels.

    Remember when it was Hot Air, PJ media, Drudge?

  5. Lately there have been quite a few ‘conservative’ sites that cause that ‘WTF’ feeling.

    Sites that seem to be consistent and not running off the rails:
    BNI, Bare naked Islam

    I don’t visit The Sparta Report often so I can’t say if they are a head scratcher or not.
    Haven’t seen the Daily Caller lately either.

    American Digest is a favorite of mine.

    usually read American Thinker and haven’t had a wtf moment

    Michelle Malkin hasn’t caused a wtf and neither has Milo’s Facebook

    Sad to say the massive Ravelry, a site for knitting, crochet, fiber fanatics, has injected way too much politics into what should be devoted to the craft.
    I think River life Callie is a member over there and has noted it. Pussy hats and rainbow fags, I mean flags. Even the danged forums for book readers are all about female dystopian tripe. I hate to drop out due to massive amounts of lace knit patterns in my Rav library so I limit what I view.

    You can’t read the danged local weather on NOAA without a global warming lecture.

  6. AA,

    I could care less about the “Boom” thing. My Gawd visit the Right Poop sometime. The Gateways jumped the gun a more than a couple stories that were total BS. Makes them look really bad. Having said that I think they’ve been cracking down. I haven’t seen that happen in about 4 weeks.

  7. Eugenia , is that a possum on your avatar? Love it!
    Even though I don’t use ravelry, I ran across a site who was a member of it. At the very bottom of her DIY tutorial, she wrote — They’re trying to pass a bill that will get women fired from their jobs and get kicked out of their apartments if they use birth control!!!—- What The Fuck?!?!?!? Dumb broad! That bill was to protect religious orgs from having to provide abortions, etc. and it was a lie promoted by a commie feminist site. How idiotic are women nowadays?! I had to erase my history so that idiotic crap wasn’t on it. ugh! It was just so stupid.

  8. – Kathy Shaidle is our Canadian in the coalmine… and I think it’s where I discovered a link to IOTW once upon a time. Besides, she’s a veteran of the Catholic church and punk rock so that’s an interesting combo. – I binge/forget this site but it’s always interesting. – I have an on again / off again relationship with this one (binge/forget) but when I remember to check, it’s always got something I don’t find elsewhere.

    Check this out if you never heard it –

  9. @MJA, yes a possum. I love those little boogers.
    This one is Chessie cat.

    A few other with WTF rating:
    Mark Steyn
    Daniel Greenfield/ Sultan Knish

    Haven’t read Yid With A Lid in a long time so can’t say.

  10. What just happened? The last line I wrote turned red and disappeared so I rephrased it, then posted, and the evaporated line and the paraphrase were both posted, like I’m old and repeating myself (which I am, and I do, but it’s not supposed to show up here)…

  11. Weasel Zippers is fun. Ace of Spades makes me laugh when Ace is on a rant. American Thinker, and Gateway I like, MOTUS AD (formerly Michelle Obama’s Mirror)—there are so many I dumped due to their Trump Derangement Syndrome. Powerline is OK.

    Can’t stand Right Wing News or Newsmax…too much clickbait. I won’t go anywhere where Erickson has left a sweatstain.

  12. oops, left out a word
    a few others withOUT the wtf rating

    Mark Steyn
    Daniel Greenfield/ Sultan Knish

    love Mark, his singing not so much

    MJA thanks for the heads up on Yid

  13. Yes, he’s no longer The Yid With Lid. He’s just the lid.
    And of course, I’ve mentioned this before, Yid and I and Paterico were on the radio together on the Lee Stranahan show when the infamous “Swatter” called in, which was a big deal at the time.

    Yid, Jeff Dunetz, remarked, “well, at the very least we now know that BigFurHat is not the Swatter.” Which still cracks me up.

  14. BB — Yeah, I was worried about Hoft going completely off the rails but he’s seemed to have found his bearings again. I will never forget that he was one of the few (maybe one of two) major sites who were all-in for Trump during the campaign. For that I swear allegiance for his courage (until he ever goes cuckoo). 2020 will be here soon enough.

  15. I used to read Conservative Treehouse regularly, until I got tired of their unrelenting, impending doom, Chicken Little view of the economy. Scared me out of the market (and cost me money!)

  16. AA,

    I’m a fan. I’m a fan because it appear Hoft recognizes the issues and takes steps to correct them. He’s got to lose that White House Correspondent of his. The guys to young to shave and dumb as a post. And sexual persuasion has nothing to do with what I say.

  17. Angry White Dude is still, um, still, um, not gone wtf crazy.

    @MJA, another craft site to avoid is Needlework News. All sorts of pussy hat, safety pin, feminazi bull hockey.

  18. I don’t have many sites to add that haven’t been noted, except Kim’s back. Sadly without Connie. I really liked his writing. This is not quite the same, but I’m happy to say my changed taste has more than enough room for what he’s writing these days.

    American Digest is also very enjoyable. Still check in with Sippican Cottage also. He doesn’t post regularly, but the wait is worth it. His archives are a gold mine on such varied topics like plumbing, which is a lot more important than most assume, when they bother to consider it at all. He’s very gifted with language.

    @ Eugenia (& MJA)

    Sad to say the massive Ravelry, a site for knitting, crochet, fiber fanatics, has injected way too much politics into what should be devoted to the craft.

    Ha. Becoming? I was one of the two hundred banned back in ’09. It was crybully SJWs at their finest. It came down to one image with a noose and insufficient groveling. Then accusations of a coordinated DNS from our side. Really. As if any of us A, knew how to make that happen, and B, wanted that to happen. Then came an email from their attorney to all of the banned (I’m not kidding).. It’s their safe space now. Dissenting opinions are not allowed to gain any traction.

  19. Alonzo Rachel, his web site and his The Zo Loft Youtube. Love this guy.

    @Rosalind, carp! I didn’t know people could be or were banned from Ravelry. I joined in 2010, according to my profile, and must have missed a lot.
    I did belong to 3 conservative groups. The only one that survived the 2012 election was American Freedom Fighters. The harassment of conservatives was ugly. Now I just stick to the lace forums, shawl forums, hand dyers and certain designer forums.

    The misc /Remnants/Rants forum was deleted in 2011 -12 due to political crap. The replacement Remrants forum doesn’t allow politics or religion.

    You may have missed the threatened law suits against Ravelry from the International Olympics Committee. They took exception to the name Ravelympics and came down hard on the owners. The whining went on and on.

    Sad when you can’t even knit, crochet, dye or spin in peace.

  20. is still a good read once you find the articles, yet my eclectic taste sometimes takes me into a more gentile site such as Pornhub.

    Am I still on topic?

  21. Ace of Spades for the comments. They’re often more insightful than the main articles, even though you have to dig through them.

    Used to follow Astute Blogger years ago but he got really wacky about Romney and I don’t think I’ve been back since. Not even sure it’s still a thing.

    I do check Drudge daily. Could be wrong but I think he’s tried to appeal to a somewhat broader audience while maintaining the core base that brought him fame. His wry arrangement of choice pictures with headlines is him winking at his audience (us). I am confused why he didn’t pick up last night (last I checked) on the DWS IT guy’s arrest. That should have been up in big red letters.

    Also like this little hangout called IOTWReport. Nice tight-knit group of commenters there lorded over by a firm but amiable Dad figure. The kids don’t always get along but they tend to be respectful enough. I like the place.

  22. Someone said Drudge WTF? I agree. They are still stuck on B.O. and I want nooooo part of that shit. is my fav when I’m not here.

    I go to dailymail co uk sometimes because I see stories that I wouldn’t see on an American site.
    Ugh, gotta ignore their liberal bent, to which they get called out on by many a commentator.

  23. I’ve stopped going to WZ, there’s always an out of date security certificate or some such that bangs a popup that renders the browser inoperative. Used to be one of my go to sites.

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