Pot, Porn and Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Pot, Porn and Planned Parenthood

Daily Caller

In her analysis of the GOP debate Thursday evening, Laura Ingraham made a tongue in cheek comparison of Republican and Democrat campaign platforms. “Okay, here’s what the Democrats’ platform is,” she quipped, “pot, porn, Planned Parenthood.”

Liberals in the corporate media and online mocked the comments as orchestrated conservative hysteria making mountains out of a mole hill. They used the typical gas-lighting ploy of “it’s not happening, but it’s good that it is.”

Gisele Fetterman — the activist wife of Sen. John Fetterman who wheeled him across the finish line in Pennsylvania — gave away the game when she responded to the comment, apparently without a hint of irony, to say she’s in. More

20 Comments on Pot, Porn and Planned Parenthood

  1. Pot, Porn and PP

    What about alcohol? It is patently absurd to point your finger at pot and say nothing about alcohol. Only an alcoholic would do that. Pot is non-addictive unlike alcohol which is a real poison. It just makes the alcoholic ant-pot crusader look ridiculous.

  2. cgdae AT 1:15 PM^^^more pot myths. There is a reason the UK has banned it because their studies prove pot is not benign, especially in young people whose brains aren’t fully developed. More recent studies show it leads some to early Alzheimers. And don’t forget the increase in traffic fatalities. See CO for details.

  3. As a drinker myself, I’ve never hallucinated even when I was shitfaced.
    Pot on the other hand does cause hallucinations.
    In addition, the tequila I drink is regulated and I know the alcohol volume is 40%.
    Strains of pot are so much stronger these days.
    Considering pot as benign and no big deal will only lead to more societal decay.

  4. @ Anonymous AT 1:21 PM

    You might as well have that discussion with the bumper of a car, a fire hydrant, a sack of hammers or your pet hamster as with a pothead. It’s a religion for them.

  5. Political appointments of ultra-Liberal and incompetents judges to the Judiciary will ensure that Pot, Pedophilia, Crime, Porn, Division, Corruption and Planned Parenthood will be ingrained in court precedent and peirce the heart of America for future generations.

  6. She’s quite a low-life, isn’t she. And you can be sure a gal like this married Fetterman for his good looks and dashing personality, not his family’s wealth and Fetterman’s trust fund.

  7. Loco,,,, “pot causes hallucinations”,,,, Yeah, maybe if force fed to some insane extreme. You absolutely do not know what you are talking about. duh.
    If you are driving down a lonesome highway at 2:00 AM had you rather meet another car with someone driving who had been drinking or someone who had a puff???? duh.
    Dude get a life and stop with the ridiculous lies.

  8. Well d marijuana is indeed a hallucinogen.
    It is classified as a hallucinogen and causes the effects of one.
    Sorry that fact is inconvenient for you.

    When driving down ANY ROAD at ANY TIME I prefer to meet neither as they both may kill you dead…

  9. @d

    Your example was a false equivalence. A more accurate comparison would be a drinker licking the underside of a bottle cap of beer as opposed to taking “a puf”. Neither is going to dull your senses to the point of impairment while operating a motor vehicle.

  10. And if you give me weed, whites and wine
    And you show me a sign
    I’ll be willin’, to be movin’

    @ Little Feat 1970 (but my favorite is the rendition by Linda Rondstat who always was a democrat anyway … 🙂

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