POTUS- Blue Wave Means Crime Wave – IOTW Report

POTUS- Blue Wave Means Crime Wave

Wash Exam-

President Trump said Monday afternoon that if Democrats take control of Congress, it will lead to an onslaught of crime.

“We’re going to do very well in the midterms, and this is one of the very big reasons,” the president said at a “Support ICE” event at the White House Monday afternoon. “The fact is, people respect law and order. And I think we’re going to have much more of a red wave than a phony blue wave. Blue wave means crime, it means open borders.”

The president repeatedly targeted Democrats during his roughly 20-minute speech, calling them out for being the party of “open borders” and a party that supports crime over “law and order.”

Conventional wisdom has Democrats narrowly claiming the majority in the House in November, but the Senate is widely considered to stay under Republican control. RealClearPolitics’ polling averageof a generic congressional ballot has Democrats at roughly a 7 percentage point advantage over Republicans.

Trump’s comments Monday come amid calls from Democratic lawmakers to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Republicans have used the Democrats’ anti-ICE stance as a campaign point in the lead-up to the November midterm elections.


ht/ phenry

8 Comments on POTUS- Blue Wave Means Crime Wave

  1. President Trump is correct in this speech. Democrats tend to defend and coddle criminals while despising law enforcement. Birds of same moral feather flock together.

    President Trump needs to stick such things as Nancy Pelosi’s comments on MS-13’s humanity, and all the other progressive drivel, in America’s face. The available material is so rich, and the Democrats hold the downside on every issue that matters. Tweet on Mr. President!

    The American people must bury these people politically to restore America. Everyone needs to get their friends to vote MAGA in November 2018.


  2. Some liberal friends of mine were excited about this supposed “blue wave,” and asked how I felt. I said I would appreciate a bit more time to enjoy American success before Democrats fuck it up again.

  3. You know, I don’t think they actually expect to win in November. They are throwing everything they can out there to rile their base – and us – to cause mayhem and chaos. They want the right to spend so much time and effort in fighting their insane ideas. But they have no intention to actually eliminate ICE; they would shit their pants if they gained control and their subjects expected them to deliver.

    I think we should stop taking them seriously. When they scream about eliminating ICE, we just cluck our tongues and say, “Tsk, tsk. Not that again”, and then totally ignore them.

    What would they do then? Scream louder, display more antics as we laugh at them and shake our heads. We don’t give them any attention and they become so unhinged that they collapse, have a stroke and then we can say, “Well, bless their hearts”.


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