Prayer – IOTW Report


Hello iOTW family, 

Our ringmaster has graciously allowed me a moment to ask for prayer in a dire circumstance, and I know I can count on the prayer warriors here to uplift a dear lady to the Lord.
And I KNOW this prayer will work.
Because the devil doesn’t like it.

…I actually wrote Mr. Hat yesterday and he was generously arranging this, but he was suddenly called away because of own family concerns.  It was most likely because satan didn’t want this prayer to go up.

One prayer is for my MIL, Loris.  Loris has had a series of medical issues her whole life, but in her 79th year she’s lost mobility and balance, but still wants to be up and doing.  Unfortunately, this led to a series of falls, the last one bad enough that she FINALLY listened to my wife and I and let me have her ambulanced to the hospital.
Long story short, she broke her neck and had her cervical vertebra, 3-6, pinned last night

She’s diabetic and has heart issues, in addition to concerns about what hospitals have become.  It’s a scary time for her and for all of us who love her.  She’s a good country woman and one of the sweetest souls you’d ever meet, and her kids and grandkids would like just a little more time with her.

She got through the hours of surgery with the Lord’s help and grace, but is looking at the world flat on her back, in a brace, unable to move and waiting to find out if she can swallow.  See, C3 can mess with your esophagus and he wasn’t going to pin that one initially, but he said it was LOOSE TO THE TOUCH when he was in there, so he figured it’d be best to hit that one as well.

She has many challenges but God is great, and with the backing of the prayer warriors here lifting her up to Him, I expect a mighty move will be made for her and the Ultimate Physician will ensure her recovery..

May the Lord touch her, help her, and heal her, keep her from all hurt, harm, and danger, and supply her needs and walk around her bedside until she can again do all that she loves with her body fully healed by the Lord.

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”
James 5:15

Thank you for your prayers, for ALL those here in need.   There is much to pray about, but our God is big enough for all.   Uplift them and put down the devil that would stop you, with the Lord before us NONE can stand against us.
God Bless,SNS

50 Comments on Prayer

  1. Long ago as an altar boy, I used to serve masses for all intentions at which the priest have a basket full of envelopes from parishioners containing their prayer requests.
    Today, I will pray for all intentions here and for all our friends. and family here.

  2. Prayers for your MIL and all of the family. My 87 year old mom had basically that same surgery in May and it was a rough first three weeks. She still has a bit of trouble swallowing and talking, even now, so you can probably expect that. Aside from that and the rough start, she’s okay, so I am expecting nothing less for your special MIL! Hang in there!

  3. Loris and Family are in our prayers, we pray that the Lord Touches, Strengthens and reminds you that although you remain on your back during this season of healing, you can Walk in God’s Light and be Lifted by your Family’s Love and Caring. Know you are never alone and are greatly Loved.

  4. I pray that God’s will be done and your MIL recovers. I will keep her in my thoughts as I go about my day. I think about God a lot and his plans for us. May he come quickly and take us home.

  5. Thank-you to everyone for your prayers. I know we got through to the Throne Room over the devil’s strident objections, and I look forward to glorifying the Lord with a praise report when He reveals his full mercy.

    And thanks to Fur for providing this space. Not every blog puts prayers front and center, but this one does and I think we are all blessed by him doing so. It’s one of the things that makes this one special.

    God bless and thank you again,

  6. Praise you almighty and loving Father. Hear our prayers for Loris and her family. We plead for healing, comfort and peace on this difficult time. Thank you Lord, in Jesus’s name we pray.

  7. SNS

    All this and you still had time for prayer over my situation.

    I’ve been told God likes to hear from strangers so I’m adding you and yours to my current prayers for all going on right now. Maybe because He seldom hears from me might add to the possibility He’ll listen.

    Faith and acceptance…

  8. Lord Jesus, you are the great healer, our King and saviour. Thank you for your promises to be with your children no matter what we are going through. You turn the evil meant to destroy us to our good and your glory.

    We ask for your healing touch on Loris’ body and for your peace to flood her and her loved ones.

    Praise you for answered prayers.

  9. SNS, according to your wishes I pray this for your Dear Loris;

    “May the Lord touch her, help her, and heal her, keep her from all hurt, harm, and danger, and supply her needs and walk around her bedside until she can again do all that she loves with her body fully healed by the Lord.”

    “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”
    James 5:15

    In the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!


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