Our friend, Victoria Jackson, can use the power of our prayers.
Saturday Night Live alumna and breast cancer survivor Victoria Jackson revealed in a candid social media post that she has an inoperable tumor in her windpipe.
“They cannot operate and cut out the marble in my chest that is laying on my windpipe, and eventually would suffocate me to death,” Jackson said, before revealing her course of treatment.
“They’re giving me a magic pill. It’s going to be delivered to my front door within the next 12 hours,” she added. “It’s based on Ribociclib, and it will shrink the marble, hopefully.”
As for her prognosis, “I looked up the pill on Google and it says people who take this have 32.6 months to live — something like that.”
A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine says Robociclib “has a significant overall survival benefit” in certain patients with advanced breast cancer.
Jackson was not maudlin at her prospects.
“I’ve had a fantastic life,” she said, before naming a few things left she’d like to see before she goes.
“I’d like to see my grandson born — his name is Jimmy — in October and get to know [him] a little and I would like to see my daughter Aubrey have a baby.”
Jackson was an SNL cast member from 1986 to 1992 where she frequently appeared on Weekend Update and was a go-to for impersonations of Roseanne Barr, Sally Struthers and Zsa Zsa Gabor.
She revealed her breast cancer diagnosis back in 2016. Earlier this week, she shared video from the room where she was getting a CT scan.
You can hear at the end of my talk with Victoria that she has always had a very pragmatic view of the possibility of death. We talked about this specific ending to our interview, and she thought it was great.
Prayer sent!!
Loved her from back when SNL was funny.
“I’m not a bimbo.”
How unfortunate that we do NOT have medical freedom in this country so she could have access to knowledge of real cures rather than just bigPharma “treatments” that ultimately do little good. Hopefully something better finds her in time.
My wife is a breast cancer survivor. We thought my MIL was too after surviving it once seven years ago, but it came back and now shes recovering from a masectomy at 83. I could go on to other family members and friends, but I suspect we all know someone touched by this wicked disease.
I dont know Ms. Jackson except from a season of SNL that waz when I started losing interest in it, but it matters not. She is a woman with a deadly disease that no one should have to bear, and that is enough for me to offer prayer.
Dear Lord, we come before You today in praise and thanksgiving for that you have done for us before and for Your gift of salvation, but we also come to You in supplication and prayer for one afflicted by a disease of the devil. We come to You today with the name of one known to us as Victoria Jackson, and ask that You touch her body as her Ultimate Physician, guide the hands and minds of those lesser physicians you have gifted with healing knowledge, guide them to heal her, make Your sign upon her to give her the full and complete healing that Man says he cannot do, that all men may know that Your hand touched her to Your Glory and to Your praise. Lord, shrink this mass to nothing even as You reduce the devil to nothing, clear her to have breath in her body to praise Your Name with when she is recovrered to be a sign to us all, and that it may draw her and all that she touches closer to You, both now and at the hour of our deaths.
We are not worthy to ask by by the name of Your Son Jesus, and it is on His merciful name we pray for her and for ALL who suffer this scourge that they may suffer no more,
God Bless,
I met Victoria at an Intellectual Froglegs event in Franklin, TN several years ago. A truly wonderful lady — she loves Jesus and is vocal about it. Very sorry to hear this diagnosis. May the Lord give her the desires of her heart and bless her and her family richly.

Praying now.
God bless her mightily.
“…she has always had a very pragmatic view of the possibility of death.”
…as must we all.
“Fates, we will know your
That we shall die we know; ’tis but the time,
And drawing days out, that men stand upon.”
-Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act III, sc. 1
…the carnal nature of every creature under the sun is temporary. King or knave, priest or prince, no man can outrun it, outwit it, or buy their way from it, all shall one day close their eyes for the last time in their physical state. We may through care and prayer change the DATE of our death, but never the FACT of our death.
Our physical bodies are corrupted by our lives in this sin-struck world, and are not worthy of His Kingdom.
That is why we all must come to Him by the grave.
I dont know how you can be anything BUT pragmatic about death. Everything you do will fail, and everyone you know will die, yourself included, for that is the doom of all we who dwell East of Eden.
The important thing is not dying. We will die in our time, in pain or at peace.
The important thing is what we do with that time we have.
A merciful God can grant you more time, but he will not take the free will from you as to how to use it.
You may use it to draw closer to Him, to draw others to Him, and to examine your soul to prepare for when you will inevitably stand before Him;
Or you may spend that time in hedonism, leading men in wild career through the streets, scoffing and mocking Him as you run from sin to sin.
Its every man’s choice what to do with that time.
But its no man’s choice as to whether it will END.
Because it will.
Sooner or later.
…death is nothing to fear if you know the Father.
And everything to fear if you dont.
…if you want to be TRULY pragmatic about death, accept that it is a reunion with the Father, and act accordingly.
While you can…
No idea if this will help or not, but if you’re interested in a POSSIBLE cancer cure, Google ‘Joe Pippin, cancer.’ He cured himself after being diagnosed at stage four. Again, I have no idea if this is true but it certainly is interesting. Anyone else notice the number of new articles claiming IVERMECTIN cures some cancers?
Wylie1 – the documentation regarding Ivermectin and cancer is extensive…not just new. Many suggest that parasites play a role, thus the positive effects. THAT is the OTHER reason why Ivermectin had to be suppressed…not just for the trillions in jab dollars, but the tens and hundreds of trillions in ongoing cancer perpetuation therapy.
May the grace of our Lord be with her and with her family, guiding her to a speedy recovery.
In Jesus holy name.
Great sense of humor and one of the best on SNL. I liked the cat Toonces bits. Is open about her Christianity.
It’s actually Joe Tippens:
God, bless her richly and have mercy on her for the joy of seeing her grandchild. Thank you for loving her. Amen
Back when SNL was fun …and still funny. Prayers sent.
Thank you for correction Jethro.
Prayer prayed.
No problem Wylie1.
I had learned about him a few years ago but had actually forgotten his name. I had to look him up after your post. Thanks for reminding me.
Praying God grants Victoria more years than she expects. Her faithfulness and trust in the Lord can make it possible. In the name of Jesus may she be healed, finally cancer free and continue to live a long life.