Preelection children’s book compared Hillary to Queen Elizabeth and Joan of Arc – IOTW Report

Preelection children’s book compared Hillary to Queen Elizabeth and Joan of Arc

ht/ illustr8r

26 Comments on Preelection children’s book compared Hillary to Queen Elizabeth and Joan of Arc

  1. Where is the part where she huffs and puffs and blows your house down?

    Or where she sings, “ashes, ashes, we all fall down”?

    OR the fun short story where she pops the kids into the oven!!?

  2. Maybe the book should have more accurately portrayed Hillary as Beetlejuice. I mean, she’s a scumbag and definitely looks dead enough.

    Benghazi!, Benghazi!, Benghazi!

  3. Joan of Arc you say. So when do we burn her at the stake? Maybe now the EPA can lower emissions standards so that the resulting grease fire won’t break any rules.

  4. The environmental leftist should be upset about the trees sacrificed to print this silly book. otoh, the political right would have been pleased to see the same trees sacrificed to burn her at the stake. You can be sure no heart would be found left in the ashes.

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