Pregnancy Support Center Firebomber Caught with One Way Ticket to Guatemala – IOTW Report

Pregnancy Support Center Firebomber Caught with One Way Ticket to Guatemala


A Madison man was arrested in Boston Tuesday on charges connected to the firebombing of a Madison anti-abortion office building in May of 2022.

Hridndu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, is charged with one count of attempting to cause damage by means of fire or an explosive, according to court documents. Early in the morning of May 8, 2022, two Molotov cocktails were thrown into the Wisconsin Family Action building, in the 2800 block of International Lane, Madison Police previously stated. More

Somebody in Madison tipped him off. – Dr. Tar

9 Comments on Pregnancy Support Center Firebomber Caught with One Way Ticket to Guatemala

  1. “Local police officers saw Roychowdhury dispose of food into a public trash can and later collected DNA from the food and other items, according to the criminal complaint.”
    Roy got rid of his chow in a hury.

  2. If it was a pro-abortion center Roy would have been hit by 40 heavily armed fib agents and three armored vehicle’s and not at the airport. I’ll bet you a nickel the feds drop the case.

  3. There is one thing for sure and for certain and that is this individual and his actions are accepted within the mainstream of the Democrat Party. Had it been someone who self identifies as conservative, the chance that they were among the mainstream of conservatives shrinks to insignificance.

  4. Interestingly I can not find a single image of him. Not one.

    Also interesting is the first name looks like a mistype of “Hindu”. The search engines suggest it is.

    Is this person real, or another fake cover from someone up the chain?


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