Prepare to see this stupid trick wherever you go – IOTW Report

Prepare to see this stupid trick wherever you go

This, THIS, hand trick is sweeping the internet?

This is a little like, I gotchur nose.

Behold, the most intelligent generation is befuddled by this –

26 Comments on Prepare to see this stupid trick wherever you go

  1. 2019: “Millenials defrauded at record pace by wild new scam ‘3-card monte’!”

    2020: “Millenials defrauded at record pace by wild new scam ‘shell game’!”

  2. This is easy, the rubber fist is between the two real hands which when struck by the back hand expand like a balloon while the plastic fingers of the front hand are allowed to fall off leaving a fist and hand plus the third hand hiding…this trick is similar to Hillary earning about $200,000 while Secretary of State and amassing almost $3,000,000,000 in her foundation without helping the family net worth to grow or break a law…

  3. They’re just lucky they’ve never seen the Polish toy. One of my friends dads showed it to me when I was a kid. You make like you have a fake key and stick it into your hands folded together on a flat surface and when you quit winding your hands up the hands just flop around back and forth and back and forth until it’s completely wound down and then you start all over again. I thought it was hilarious at the time.

  4. Did anybody else read “MeAgain’s” post and immediately get a chubby?

    I’m asking for a friend because in my case my nipples got hard enough to cut glass.

  5. @mja and trf
    And the skill applied to cutting-in that powder blue wall to the ceiling….someone has a career as a painter – NOT!
    That’s a Goodwill store montage!


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