Presented without comment – IOTW Report

Presented without comment

Yes. I have eaten them.

44 Comments on Presented without comment

  1. I remember the teevee commercial when I was a kid – astronaut eats one of those nasty things through a small hole in his face shield during a spacewalk…
    I was disappointed when his head didn’t explode.

  2. Yes, they were pretty bad, but it’s one of those moments in history when our imaginations and the reality of someone landing and walking on the moon thrilled the world and made us believe any one of us could achieve our dreams. Too bad so many are so jaded now.

  3. Another thing that happened in the 1960s that didn’t make the news. Thankfully.

    I was alone, fishing the creek in Squaw Valley California.

    I had an overwhelming desire to take a crap. So I removed my pants and underwear and waded into the creek up to my nipples.

    I quickly discovered that crap floats.

    Eeew. Doodies everywhere.


  4. Yep, we had those. That was back when moms fed kids ‘tasty energy snacks’ and let us play outside unsupervised and without a phone for hours. Now they feed them ritalin and park them in front of a screen.

    We had ‘space pens’ too! Just like the astronauts used! Yes, I am old enough to remember the invention of the felt time marker, or ‘Flair Pen.’

  5. I was sitting at the lunch table at work with a couple of other guys and one guy from South Africa was mixing a drink, powder and water. The other guy said hey T what you got there? T said “Tang” my wife put it in my lunch. Then the other guy said…is it poo Tang? To which T said…I don’t know I’ll ask my wife. Then the other guy said yes, ask your wife if she is giving you poo Tang and let me know what she says.

  6. “Space Food Sticks disappeared from North American supermarket shelves in the 1980s”

    Well that explains why I’ve never heard of them before. 1960s to late 70s. Not a bad run for novelty snacks at 100% shelf space.

  7. Tang wasn’t bad, we drank it all the time back then and it was cheap, it was certainly better than the presweetend fake sugary drink mixes that Pillsbury sold back then like Jollie Ollie Orange, Rootin Tootin Raspberry, Goofy Grape etc. That stuff could cause cancer and was way too sweet for its own good. Me, I’m a big bug juice fan (strawberry koolaid) which the Navy hooked me on because it was available all over the ship to help keep us hydrated because the drinking water was nasty and sometimes had JP 5 (jet fuel) mixed in with it.

  8. Had a plumber tell me put about a cup of Tang down the food disposal every once in a while to keep it smelling sweet. Never had the space sticks (crapped in water, glad to find out not to try it).


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