Presented Without Commentary – IOTW Report

Presented Without Commentary

Okay, I lied. I will comment.

Third Twin saw this in his checkout line and he sent it in without commentary.

But I just have to ask, are women, percentage-wise, really fearless like men are fearless?

If a world war broke out today, how many “fearless” women are volunteering to fight?

Not only does the left push fake news, they push a fake narrative.


27 Comments on Presented Without Commentary

  1. “If a world war broke out today, how many “fearless” women are volunteering to fight?” I fear that not only would the women not fight but your average metro sexual male Hillary voter would not fight.

    They would welcome their new overlords because that would really stick it to Trump and all who voted Trump.

  2. I think that historically women will fight fiercely to defend their home. Going to other countries is not instinctive for most women. Anyway, we do a good job of keeping the home fires burning when men must go away to war. And lets be practical about this, we do want to win.

  3. A certain percentage of all human communication is sales pitches. Even before people had phones, well dressed dudes would show up at your door selling snake oil cures and horse boosters. Today they’re hocking their goods and chattels on Vogue . . . as CNN shouts, “Amen!”

  4. I don’t know about models, but there’s no doubt The Swedish Bikini Team has saved lives and prevented wars.

    What guy wants to leave the country and start shit when you have a brew and a babe?

    I mean, “What normal, red-blooded American guy”?

  5. Notice they’re fearless in fashion only.

    Not the same arena?

    In a fight, they’re kinda like the Chihuahua. Aww. Isn’t that cute. It’s angry! Is it going to pee on the carpet or tear my shoelaces up?

  6. “if they’re so “fearless”, why are they clutching each other in a reassuring group hug?”

    You see what you see and I see what I see.

    I’ll be in my bunk…

  7. I would bet after a few months in the trenches with lice and yeast infections the gals would surrender en masse. Periotic artillery barrages would hasten the result.


  8. 2 questions were posited. 1). “are women, percentage-wise, really fearless like men are fearless?” and 2). “If a world war broke out today, how many “fearless” women are volunteering to fight?”

    Neither of the questions are relevant without context.

    Women and Men would volunteer to protect their own families. Probably in equal percentages. If you ever want to see “fearless” try and come between a mother of any species and her child because you will likely die in the attempt.

    The question that is not asked is 3) with what certainty might anyone expect “fearless” defensive behaviour in modern times as compared to past times, circa WWII. I should suspect “not so much”. This has nothing to do with gender. It has to do with the erosion of faith in “being American” and the disdain that modern times applies to matters of “Individualism”, “Faith”, “Patriotism”, etc, and their replacement with fungible, movable goalposts, that are based on a 24 hr newscycle instead of centuries of experience. People no longer think rationally upon “How to Think” as they do “What to Think” because of politically motivated propaganda instead of actual historical fact. End rant.

  9. Anyone who is truly “fearless” is either stupid or ends up dead. Or both. Never had a problem choosing women to perform the same as men in the volunteer Army. Draft? It’s a tossup. Circumstantial indeed.

  10. If you saw what and how fast my wife can
    phock up a coconut with a machete, you’d
    understand. She wants to learn guns now. I’m good
    with that.
    As for the anorexic bimbos, never have liked
    them. About as tuff as a hang nail away from giving
    up and crying.

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