President Donald Trump blasts Obama for ‘wiretap’ of Trump Tower during campaign – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump blasts Obama for ‘wiretap’ of Trump Tower during campaign

WOW! There’s a turn of events. Before the Democrat Media throws back

“there’s no proof” they have to realize – President Trump plays chess while they play checkers.
This is a WATERGATE style scandal that MUST BE INVESTIGATED!


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10 Comments on President Donald Trump blasts Obama for ‘wiretap’ of Trump Tower during campaign

  1. To me this indicates that the Russian “Red-Herring” strategy was a deliberate strategy thought out and started months in advance of the election.

    They couldn’t use the information during the campaign because there was no proof, so they decided to use it as innuendo and allegations after Trump was elected to damage his Administration.

  2. They thought they’d have Trump ousted or tied down by now, and none of this would be discovered. This explains the current frothing insanity of the deep state/obama axis. I sure hope PDT has the goods to back up his charge.

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