President Odumbbell Chimes In With a Truly Stupid Remark – IOTW Report

President Odumbbell Chimes In With a Truly Stupid Remark

Obama takes to a Broadway stage to trash GOP presidential candidates.

Daily Mail

‘If you can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators, I don’t think the Russians are going to be too worried!’
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Said the asshole who once tried to get Fox banned from the press pool.


25 Comments on President Odumbbell Chimes In With a Truly Stupid Remark

  1. Obummber, you’ve been there and done that…….

    ‘If you can’t handle Fox News, I don’t think the Russians are going to be too worried!”

    Case-n-point, look how Putin had pwned Obama for the past 7 years.

  2. Says the guy who got blowjobs like this for seven long years…

    “During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office? Enchanted you the most from serving in this office? Humbled you the most? And troubled you the most?”

  3. The Russians, Chinese, Cubans, ISIS, Boko Haram, illegal immigrants flooding the US, and North Koreans haven’t been too worried since 2008. In fact, they are down right living large. How many more days does this ass clown have in office?

  4. Just my thought as that ass-clown Odumbo played the role of late-night comedian once again in front of a partisan audience.

    Those moderators at CNBC got their asses handed to them, Putin is wiping the floor with Obama, and Obama would never debate anyone if Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh were the moderators.

  5. 444.

    For comparison, that’s how long the last group of American hostages were held in Iran under Jimmy Carter.

    And for further comparison, the hostages were released from Iran minutes after Ronald Reagan, the greatest president of my lifetime, was sworn in.

  6. I believe we need to see those school records… maybe they’ll reveal the loose screw, cause there is one.

    If he keeps it up, he’s gonna get a bunch of us killed. I think he should be the one to go first. Just sayin’.

  7. And why would the Russians be worried about some communist moslem faggot who travels the globe apologizing and bowing to all our enemies?

    0bama has made America the joke of the world. But that will change once that son of a bitch is out of office.

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