President Signs Anti-Election Meddling Executive Order – IOTW Report

President Signs Anti-Election Meddling Executive Order

Now that tRump has illegally wormed his way into the white house by colluding with the Russians in order to ratf*ck the rightful heir of the presidency, Hillary Clinton, the idiot-in-chief signs a bill preventing anyone from conspiring with a foreign entity in order to dare try and dethrone his majesty. This is why impeachmen…

I’m sorry. I was just working on my journalism sample that I’m sending to The Daily Beast in order to pick up some side money.


President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday authorizing sanctions against any country that interferes with U.S. elections, declaring election meddling efforts a “national emergency.”

The executive order, signed just two months ahead of the November’s midterms elections, addresses not only interference with campaign and election infrastructure, but also propaganda efforts.

The order, which is considered a national emergency due to sanctions authority requirements, instructs the Office of National Intelligence and the intelligence community to conduct regular assessments about potential foreign interference in elections.

The process, according to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and White House national security adviser John Bolton, would take a total of 90 days.



9 Comments on President Signs Anti-Election Meddling Executive Order

  1. “The executive order, signed just two months ahead of the November’s midterms elections…”

    “The order…instructs the Office of National Intelligence and the intelligence community to conduct regular assessments…The process, according to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and White House national security adviser John Bolton, would take a total of 90 days.”

    Is it just me, or is Trump trolling them hard again?

  2. Foreign hacking isn’t the threat.
    NC AG is fighting a DOJ subpoena to turn over voting records.

    But, there’s no proof of voter fraud! Meanwhile in Wilmington NC:

    Note, the “foreign nationals”, should they be found guilty, are facing jail sentences, fines (snort), and a term of “supervised release” upon completion of prison sentence.
    How about Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200, and just skip to deportation?

  3. Why didn’t Obama do this? Didn’t super-patriot Brennan advise him to do it?

    On the plus side, a DC Judge in Hawaii is waiting for a plaintiff to step forward and claim that this EO harms them. Nationwide injunction to follow.

  4. Different Tim, the Social Media clampdown is the replacement for the IRS clampdown. Nobody was punished for that. In fact, Henry Kerner, who was McCain’s chief counsel and an avid proponent of using the IRS to hammer conservatives, is now head of the Office of Special Counsel, overseeing Mueller and all the other special investigations.

    If anything is ever done about fascistic social media, it won’t be for many years, and it won’t be much at all.


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