President To GM- Keep Ohio Plant Open Or Sell To Someone Who Will – IOTW Report

President To GM- Keep Ohio Plant Open Or Sell To Someone Who Will

Obama may have had a phone and pen, but President Trump also has Twitter and he’s not afraid to use it.

In a series of Tweets with GM CEO Mary Barro and UAW local president for the Lordstown plant in Ohio, the President demanded the two sides work together to keep the facility from closing this week. More 

5 Comments on President To GM- Keep Ohio Plant Open Or Sell To Someone Who Will

  1. @cato March 18, 2019 at 1:37 pm – “I don’t buy Union owned Government Motors (GM).”

    I don’t buy ANY union-made vehicles. Had a old GM pickup that was great but died at 150K miles. Had 3 GM cars that were much less than great. Same experience with Fords. Never bought Chrysler products because I used to eat at a restaurant across from their plant and listened to them brag about running thousands of defective parts through just to get their boss in trouble. This was in the 70’s when they almost went under – union labor didn’t care.

    Most of the cost of a vehicle is labor – even janitors made $30/hr back then and it has to be a lot more now, but here they are again, demanding more slops in the feed trough.

    Sorry if I piss off any union people on IOTW but I had to join AFL-CIO for one job I had. They were happy to take my dues but the only workers they protected were the ones who deserved to be shite-canned.

  2. So Obama bailed out this LOSER company with our money in 2009 and it’s still a sinking ship?

    Something wrong with GM, and has been for a very long time. Maybe just let this one go below the waves.

  3. GM never should have been bailed out.
    The management that drove it into the ground the first time is still in place.
    Rinse and repeat, except, this time a new sheriff is in charge.


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