President To Skip Correspondent’s Nerd Prom – IOTW Report

President To Skip Correspondent’s Nerd Prom

The tweeted announcement last night that President Donald Trump won’t be attending this year’s White House Correspondence Dinner was probably met with relief by all the nerdy kids.  Now they can freely celebrate themselves without worrying about having to hear an honest assessment of their work by the most powerful man in the world.


Perhaps it’s time for an alternative event, call it something like “Real News Reported Honestly Awards” that recognize those few who openly admit their bias or those occasional news stories that aren’t slanted by the outlet.

Photo provided by Second Baptist Church

22 Comments on President To Skip Correspondent’s Nerd Prom

  1. I have never understood why a President would go to these idiotic things anyway. I don’t think it is dignified nor does it reflect well on this country.

    Supposedly it is to raise money – so if these jackasses actually cared about the “cause” why not just donate the damn money straight? No, they have to spend tons on clothes, jewelry, hair, travel and lodgings. Just to go to a dinner that costs a fortune to throw, so that they can be “seen”. Assholes.

  2. I am glad he is going this route. The pampered simpletons in the media were just getting a head of steam worked up about boycotting and holding alternate events where they could celebrate their piss-poor pseudo journalism efforts. The entire lot of them are feckless cockalorums with nary a wit among them.

  3. It must suck to find out that not only are you irrelevant, but that you’re despised by we, the people, who seized control in spite of your plotting against us.

    Go to the bar and tell yourselves how great you are.

  4. Why go to an event that perpetuates their continuous mock of the president? There are enough clowns on the news and late night talk shows that do this on a daily basis.
    I am glad Trump isn’t going and I hope he makes it a tradition NOT to attend.

  5. I think he should have waited until even more outlets announce they are skipping
    – The Hill: CNN might not attend White House correspondents’ dinner
    – Yahoo! News: Opinion editor Robert Schlesinger of US News & World Report said that regardless of what Trump does, “the media should boycott the dinner.”
    – Slate: “Please cancel the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Unseemly spectacle, totally at odds with the press holding administration accountable.”

  6. Good. Now take the next step and stop acknowledging or recognizing the WH Correspondents Association itself.
    Stop extending them unearned privileges.
    Stop even returning their calls.

    Complete their self-chosen irrelevance.

  7. Presstitutes.

    Know your one world, progressive/socialist agenda, write a fictional article, create unnamed government sources, get headlines, get your bi-line exposure and get hired to be one of Soros’ puppets.

  8. Some unfunny leftist comedian will attempt an “Eastwood empty chair” routine and it will sink like a lead ballon.
    Good thing President Trump is way ahead of the fake news media. His constant rejection, is making them react like jilted, obsessed teenage girls.

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